Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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like i said months before release ea want cod money ! they are just replicating cods in annual release and dlc style sales

cod dwarfs bf in revunue this is the only goal for them not whether you like the map or game design. never ever totally believe a game company as like any other product being sold they there to sell it to you not fall in love with you :p

at end of the day its all about your cash being in there pocket and the most profitable way. bf3 is few games they design rolled into one. a lot of stuff in bf3 is mirrors edge . why spend millions doing new stuff when you could add in other prefabs , animations you already have ?

the smaller maps wont appeal to all but will still generate a lot of money from players mainly console which this game is designed for. so whether pc players buy the maps or not it wont matter to them as the console crowd is where fps money is at.

i personally like the game will probably get all the dlc anyway because i have no illusions about what would and will happen. i have my fun and moneys worth.
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God I hated that map, but so many of my friends liked it. America's Army was more camping oriented than BF3 though as if you died you sat the rest of the round out, and that could take ages.

It was awesome :D As long as you had a good squad, get those grens and smoke going and moving up the bridge was great fun.
Banned from some HDUK server last night.

Reason: ' Change your name "insert insult" '

Either I killed an admin with my one and only kill, or he didn't like the name Arctic_Pedo_Bear for some weird reason and didn't feel like telling me on chat.

You probably killed an admin, and he used your name as an excuse to ban you.

Nothing wrong with the name btw.
Wow 16 player limit? thats really disapointing. I love infantry maps but not with less than 32 players. Dice really seem detached from their playerbase, imagine making the first expansion for a succesful arena deathmatch game come with enormous battlefileds with tanks and aircraft.
You got me last night............finally. After I spent all night trying to find you and the one time I did I shot you in the head rather than take your tags :(

You could had m buddy, but don' wory to much....I think out of the OcUK's....You were the first to take them. Unfortunately it's now 3-1 to me.

You can tell when JG is going for peoples tags as his K/D goes through the floor :p

What I hate about BF3 which makes a huge difference compared to BFBC2 you can't hear people creeping or running up on you to take your tags, no footsteps!. In bfbc2 I could hear people behind me even when I was on the UAV!, so i'd turn around before tags were taken. But in BF3 nope, it's as if the player just appears out of thin air there is no sound whatsoever of said person coming up behind you.

I imagine my K/D rom the last couple o weeks is summat like 300/600 if not worse......

For CK, Scotmod, Greebo and Matty etc

Wow 16 player limit? thats really disapointing. I love infantry maps but not with less than 32 players. Dice really seem detached from their playerbase, imagine making the first expansion for a succesful arena deathmatch game come with enormous battlefileds with tanks and aircraft.

That would probably be met with a lot of enthusiasm, or at least curiosity, but that way round people are getting an expansion that provides people with an experience not too many games offer.

What DICE are doing is the exact opposite, taking a playerbase that enjoys large scale combat and giving them an expansion that condenses it into the form of most other generic FPS titles. This screams of being aimed primarily at the console market, but then there are clear figures regarding how much they stand to make in DLC sales for consoles.

At least they're still calling them expansions for the most part rather than DLC, even if that namesake is hollow in the form of actual content.
I got my first double kill yesterday :).

Using the M98B, 12x scope, Bipod. Kharg Island. My team was getting raped in large conquest. Score must have been 200/950. Never seen anything like it. Base raped to hell by their planes/tanks/heli's.

So I set up camp in between some rocks, managed to get away in a jeep before it exploded, I watched their sneaky snipers come out to play and take cover, only bringing up my scope occasionally. I've never felt so much pressure on my base before, within seconds of spawning you were literally dead. I wondered if competitive play was like this. It didn't really seem fair but I stuck about because I like to play the underdog.

So anyway. Two snipers got together, I was only aiming for one. A headshot was what I was after. Luckily the other one must have stood up and gone behind him because when I squeezed the trigger, and got the kill(s) the points screen popped up with 621 for that shot :). My highest ever single point score. Range was a couple of hundred metres. Shift was held down. It felt soooo good. Just wish I had a recording of it. I might start running some software in the background because that was one of the best kills i've done in the game feeling wise. Up there with my 971ft headshot on a moving target. Took quite a few kills there before somehow I got knifed. I am guessing one of the snipers came from B, the long way round after I took him down 4 or 5 times :D.

That is all :D
Lol, last night I was getting so many m320 kills on Bazaar that this one guy kept trying to vote ban me. I threw on 320 and got a triple kill. Looked up at the chatbox and saw "!voteban Bungalows noob" :D
most of the ocuk crowd who go on ts are like mice speak god damn you :p

Damn it DG, I wanna hear those dulcet northern tones....

Lol, last night I was getting so many m320 kills on Bazaar that this one guy kept trying to vote ban me. I threw on 320 and got a triple kill. Looked up at the chatbox and saw "!voteban Bungalows noob" :D
Oooooo Bungalows = Kissenger ahhhhhhh I see

I got my first double kill yesterday :).

Just wish I had a recording of it. I might start running some software in the background because that was one of the best kills i've done in the game feeling wise.

Afterburner Beta Ver 14 for the win!!
JGStonedRaider - Thank you. I'll take a look at that when I get home.

Next stop, taking down a chopper with the M98B. Tried and failed numerous times. I think it can be done.
Hahahahahahahaha well bud, at least you can rest easy for the next few nights.....I've got em now.....No need to walk around metro, seine, bazaar doing 180's every 10 secs.....

Got to sort through about 20gb's worth of being killed by you and others whilst searching for THE PRIZE

Ps need new sig, thats knife kills not dogs tags......I'm somewhere around 380 dog tags or summat

Bleh. I poked the bear and got bit.

Got quite a few double kills last night though. Think I may start recording my footage, few peachy kills last night and a couple of awesome saves. I quite liked TKing helier to stop him being knifed then killing his attacker :p Highlight of my evening was sniping apsol and his engineer repearing his chopper on Caspian and then flying up to the antenna.

Starting to get used to the m98b now, still doesnt feel as good as my SV98 though. Still love getting 98 kill assists though...
Starting to get used to the m98b now, still doesnt feel as good as my SV98 though. Still love getting 98 kill assists though...

M98B is godlike on hardcore mode. I'd say 80% of the time it's a one hit kill. It's so accurate as well. I'm at 38.25% accuracy with that weapon at the moment, compared to 32 and 25 with the SV98 and EMR respectively.
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