Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Anyone having issue's geting kicked from the game today? I was playing fine yesterday, but today I get kicked by punkbuster after about 5 minutes of playing - and no, I don't cheat.
I'm really getting annoyed with this game! It runs perfectly on max settings on my machine with no issues at all, but here is the deal... Whenever the map changes I have to wait like 2-3 minutes for it to load. By then all the players are in and have already around 3 kills. Why is this happening and how the hell can I fix it?! I have 4GB ram so that should be enough, right?

Plus, in the beta I never had any issues. Actually, I was one of the first ones to get in. But now, I wait for around 3 minutes which is REALLY annoying.

Does anyone have a solution? :(
ssd rocks in any game, i keep bf3 and bfbc2 on a 120 gb vertex 2, load times are super quick. Its an old ssd, but it works extremely well.
Rank doesn't show on the scoreboard. It shows fine on battlelog, but in game score board it's just a blank space.

ah right.

Didn't realise what he meant at first.

and? i aint got **** all else to do at weekends around where i live other then play footy friday and saturdays and i work full time!

heres my mate stocky hes played for this long but hes still crap at the game lol

lol thats a bit harsh.

It looks like his SPM is crap because he spends all his time being a wookie hiding in the mountains with his sniper rifle. :p

2 + KDR and a skill of over 400 isn't crap :p
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I'm really getting annoyed with this game! It runs perfectly on max settings on my machine with no issues at all, but here is the deal... Whenever the map changes I have to wait like 2-3 minutes for it to load. By then all the players are in and have already around 3 kills. Why is this happening and how the hell can I fix it?! I have 4GB ram so that should be enough, right?

Plus, in the beta I never had any issues. Actually, I was one of the first ones to get in. But now, I wait for around 3 minutes which is REALLY annoying.

Does anyone have a solution? :(

4 gig is really pushing the limits. I got annoyed when I just had 4 because u cant do anything else basicly. Get another 4 since its cheap nowadays (make sure to get same timings, if u need help just ask).

What u also want to do is turn of Vsync ingame and force it on for BF3 in your Nvidia/ATI settings. SSD always helps but aint needed.
Had many lol's last night with some of you fellas ;) Got kicked from teamkilling just before the new map loaded, so knew it was time for bed! Tired doesn't even come close this morning :eek:
I was kicked by Kinoichi (or whatever his name is) for no reason i just joined the game! the people getting kicked and banned on Matts server every 2 mins lol

Kicked for being rude lemme find the exact phrase

TrafficWarden **** off base raping 2012-03-10 06:01:18 Global

This is after a whole lot of kicking mortars, and people moanong AGAIN about baseraping on Metro (its the mapdesign, what do u expect).

So if u just got on im sorry but try some better oneliners then ''**** off base raping''
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