Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Had many lol's last night with some of you fellas ;) Got kicked from teamkilling just before the new map loaded, so knew it was time for bed! Tired doesn't even come close this morning :eek:

Even though i sucked i enjoyed the games. Getting to bed gone 5:30 am when you have a daughter who never sleeps in past 8am makes for a very tired daddy this morning!
I was kicked by Kinoichi (or whatever his name is) for no reason i just joined the game! the people getting kicked and banned on Matts server every 2 mins lol

And yes people are getting kicked and banned because we like to keep a normal server. If u want to shout, noob,fag ,m320 noskill etc etc xbox live is --> way.

It's in the rules all weapons allowed, no basemortar.No swearing and moaning. Just doing our jobs as admins.
Or just join a different server where noob tubing (especially on a metro hc server) is actually frowned upon. Makes for a much better game :)

The M320 is a highly effective but very specific weapon that enriches the game experience immensely. It gives players a means to dislodge snipers and machine gunners who are in otherwise unassailable positions.

It might be annoying getting killed by one, and spamming them on Metro is frustrating. But I will be damned if I'm going to stop using one properly just because there's a fraternity of FPS players who still use words like "noob tube" and would have us play servers where any moderately powerful weapon, or weapon that is seen to be easier to use, is frowned upon.
But I will be damned if I'm going to stop using one properly just because there's a fraternity of FPS players who still use words like "noob tube" and would have us play servers where any moderately powerful weapon, or weapon that is seen to be easier to use, is frowned upon.

Keep to servers where you can use it to your hearts delight. The point I was making was that there are servers that cater for both (pistols only are good for a warm up), so just find one which suits what you want :) Its only metro that really causes the problems.
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