Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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YAY, been banned!!!!!!

Been speaking with Will Gill and Thundycat on Teamspeak.

Was on a server last night with Will and got kicked very quickly. Tried to join again and then got kicked again with the reason: 'Change your name /insert insult/ ' (can't remember exactly the insult/name). Tried today and I can't access it, so any name violation wasn't even sent via email and I wasn't even given the chance to change it.

Chat tonight with an advisor ended like this:
Heisnam: And I can see your account persona were banned for name violation and you might receive a mail for the banned.
you: hmmm
Heisnam: So we cant made any changes.
Heisnam: If you need help with anything else, please feel free to contact us anytime!

Once I typed hmm' he had already ended the chat. I guess Arctic_Pedo_Bear has been fine since the release day of the game many months ago, but all it takes is one EA guy or someone else to report me and that's it, I'm locked out of all my games and battlelog.

But I've emailed support to see if they can help me out, although I'm not holding my breath!


Spoke to another guy and:

Mayank: I wish to inform you that it is a permanent ban.

****ing childish moderator ****! :p

A ban for the name and not even being told officially, just in the reason kicked from the server message.

Frankly pathetic, I'll go see what higher up EA employees I can message on twitter and whatnot to see what I can stir up :D
It is is pretty **** name though.

I can see how some people might not think it's funny, but the word Pedo isn't offensive and I'm in no way condoning it. It's the name of a cartoon bear.

An EA admin on there forums has PMd me back saying it's not appropriate and making 'light' of the subject. Yes I've clearly stated that Paedophile is fine and I endorse it ;) He's pretty fair though and seems to be surprised I'm banned from playing the game and it isn't a forum thing.

I'll PM a few other admin type higher up people and see what I get reply wise or hutn out people higher up at EA California. Not going to get my account back but it'l be nice to see how these guys actually look at something soo trivial and condone the banning even though I wasn't officially notified at all.
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Yeah I was saying I'd probably do a chargeback if it happened to me with no other games.

And it seems they're going into administration soon.

Just had a look at my CC and current account statements and there is no transaction on them. I cancelled the pre-order but it arrived anyway and this is something I had suspected and mentioned to the guys on TS3 last night.

Now it's confirmed, so it seems Karma might have come around a looking :p:D:o:p

That sucks!, just change his name ffs and let him back on

Exactly, it seems someone has abused their powers and taken great offence to my name, banning me sharpish.

No point in whining about it, now I have a weekend free to actually do something useful. I'll see who I can e-mail at EA headquarters anyway !!!!!! :p
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Spoke to another guy and:

****ing childish moderator ****! :p

A ban for the name and not even being told officially, just in the reason kicked from the server message.

Frankly pathetic, I'll go see what higher up EA employees I can message on twitter and whatnot to see what I can stir up :D

that is totally stupid :(
dont goto a 560 ti from 2 470s youll be dissapointed.
Aye, be the 460's going mate. The 470's actually run cooler.

What r u doing with the 460's? ur eye's.......460's not 470's derp derp derp
Probly sell em mate. Ill actually be sad to see them go tbh, tried them in my main rig in sig, so quiet even under load. Just a pity theyre non reference cooled.
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