it was ridiculous though. if you pause the vid you can see his body drops right the way round the corner. Its not even like the game dragged his body back to in the alleyway because it got his position wrong.
You really need to learn and understand the affects of latency on/over TCP on something that is "realtime" like a game. :/
On the other guys screen the guy who died will not have been behind the wall. Killcam will be out of sync with what is on the other guy's screen, before you try to claim that you can see it!
All killcam does is replay the events, as according to the client that "died", from the POV of the killer. If the events are out of sync when you die, then so will the killcam.
Imagine this over simplified scenario:
Client A sends packet "running behind this wall"
Packet is lost
Client B sends packet "shooting at client A"
Packet received
Client A re-sends packet "running behind this wall"
Server replies "Too late, you dead lolz"
Client A "oh, but I'm already behind the wall. Oh well, I'll just die here."
Client A sends packet "running behind this wall"
Some latency turbulence for packet from Client A.
Client B sends packet "Shot/killed Client A"
Packet from Client B received.
Packet from Client A received.
Server replies to Client A "Too late, you dead lolz"
Client A "oh, but I'm already behind the wall. Oh well, I'll just die here."
So from Client A's POV:
I'm running behind this wall.
Oh, I'm dead.
From Client B's POV:
Shot/Killed Client A.
From Server's POV:
Client B shot/killed Client A.
Client A died.
Client A ran behind wall. ERROR: Cannot do this, they are dead!
So yeah, it's not a simple case of "just fix it!" without inventing a latency-free network protocol on a volatile physical medium that the internet is. Quick hint: You can't.
so in short, unless DICE replace the ENTIRE INTERNET this problem will not be fixed. Get over it.
p.s. this isn't just at you, MrLOL.