Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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If they are basing it on all the metro farming servers, I don't know why they are wasting their time making a full map pack. Just release the mock up someone posted a few pages back of a single corridor, whack 64 players on it and be done with it, would be just as popular.
So basically it isn't Dice that are ruining the game its the retarded m320 RPG spamming 1 braincell downy 3 fingered inbreed social parasites that don't have the IQ to be able to put 2 tactics together because the big maps are to hard so they rather play cluster **** metro that are actually ruining the BF series?


**** off back to cod cause we dont want ur CQB ****!

this, ****ing this post is the truth people.
Has anybody been playing this without origin (using the razer fix) for an extended period of time and not got banned?

Feel like picking it up but really don't want origin on my system.
^ You're not the only one, I'd rather not have Origin either... It's a pointless application, tell me one top end reason why it's needed?
It's hard to believe that DICE could be so out of touch with the CQC DLC and their rationalisation of it. Yes, I'm sure Metro is the most popular map by simple statistics but there are three reasons for that:

1. Boosting.

2. Unlocks.

3. Familiarity for COD players/casuals.

I think a lot of more casual players play Metro because that's the most accessible map. If you're a casual on Op Firestorm, e.g., and you run from base to halfway across the map only to get sniped or killed by a heli then that's frustrating, so Metro makes sense for those people. But the core BF3 player base want more than Metro. Every half-decent BF3 player I know knows that Metro is just an absolute clusterfudge of a map and that it just doesn't work with 32 players or more. It's chaos with hardly any strategic elements.

And the thing is, it's ultimately the hardcore players who will sustain a franchise over the long run because they're the ones who stick with it for more than a few weeks/months and who are still interested in DLC and sequels years later. So catering to the casual noobs is counter-productive.
It's hard to believe that DICE could be so out of touch with the CQC DLC and their rationalisation of it. Yes, I'm sure Metro is the most popular map by simple statistics but there are three reasons for that:

1. Boosting.

2. Unlocks.

3. Familiarity for COD players/casuals.

I think we've got to face the facts that Battlefield is a huge franchise now, and there are more than just us Battlefield Veterans playing the game.

Go have a browse on the Battlelog forums and check out what Veteran Rank people have. There are plenty that are new to the game.

These people will buy DLC, and they do like metro.

Don't like the new map pack ? Then don't worry. Its not for us that play conquest 24/7. Its for the many many players of Battlefield 3 who just play BF3 TDM. This map pack is for them, and they will buy the DLC and DICE wlll make a shed load of money.

Those of us that play conquest, armoured kill is for us.

Just don't buy the next DLC if you don't play BF3 TDM. Simples.
Anyone know any European servers that are good for a quick 1hr blast here and there? I like Matt's server but I only usually get an hour to play here and there and with the high ticket count I never usually get the chance to see more than 1-2 maps, and really would like to play some Karkand. Would Rush be a better bet to get to see a bit more? How does Rush compare to BFBC2 Rush mode?

It seems I'm forever having to play Seine Crossing and Metro :mad:
Stop being such fan boys guys.

DICE are trying to compete directly with Call of Duty, if this means offering a quick-paced action-filled gametype and maps LET THEM DO IT.

I quite like the idea of it as I find it incredibly hard just to drop in for a game or two when I fancy, you have to be in the right frame of mind to play 50 minute games of conquest large.

Oh and if you don't like the idea, DONT BUY IT.
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