Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Ahh yes I see your point.

Surely tho, if you are shooting at the enemy who has seen you, you would both be suppressed?

Simple solution would be to play HC (:p)

Are there other components about HC you don't like that stop you from playing it?

The problem is that without using a Machine Gun I cannot suppress multiple enemies at once. The Mass 26 is really effective, but it is not a suppression weapon so now I'm put at a disadvantage for using a weapon in a situation it's included in the game for (point blank infantry fights) but it is now nearly useless because suppression has overridden many previous aspects of the game. It just seems to be that the game now rewards panic fire, rather than deliberate tactics.

With regards to HC, I tend not to play it because when I tried it initially there was very little movement and camping was more common, which is OK but it just sucks if you haven't got a decent team. Essentially I found team play more common in normal games, but that may not be the case now.
The problem is that without using a Machine Gun I cannot suppress multiple enemies at once. The Mass 26 is really effective, but it is not a suppression weapon so now I'm put at a disadvantage for using a weapon in a situation it's included in the game for (point blank infantry fights) but it is now nearly useless because suppression has overridden many previous aspects of the game. It just seems to be that the game now rewards panic fire, rather than deliberate tactics.

With regards to HC, I tend not to play it because when I tried it initially there was very little movement and camping was more common, which is OK but it just sucks if you haven't got a decent team. Essentially I found team play more common in normal games, but that may not be the case now.

Ah yes, sorry. I'm generally playing support so forget that there are apparently other weapons in the game. My accuracy must be around 0.1% with all the blasting away that I do :D
The problem is that without using a Machine Gun I cannot suppress multiple enemies at once. The Mass 26 is really effective, but it is not a suppression weapon so now I'm put at a disadvantage for using a weapon in a situation it's included in the game for (point blank infantry fights) but it is now nearly useless because suppression has overridden many previous aspects of the game. It just seems to be that the game now rewards panic fire, rather than deliberate tactics.

With regards to HC, I tend not to play it because when I tried it initially there was very little movement and camping was more common, which is OK but it just sucks if you haven't got a decent team. Essentially I found team play more common in normal games, but that may not be the case now.

I really would give HC another go, it's much better.

I am still trying to understand your issue with the system tho.

As someone said above, if you get the drop on 2 enemys, sure in normal mode they will not die as quickly as HC, but if you are firing at them, even from an assualt rifle, and they are close together, you can suppress/kill them both.

If you have one enemy on the left, and one on the right, you can't realistically expect to suppress and kill them both before you get shot by one of them...?

If you have the drop on them supression will be giving you the advantage... that's how I'm finding it anyway.

I can't suppress multiple enemies with a Mass 26, it's impossible. So now they gun is effectively useless if you come across more than one enemy at a time, and that's pretty common to say the least...

The problem is this for me: why should I spray bullets across a squad to suppress them, then shoot to kill them one by one?! I used to just go in, shoot to kill and kill them all. Much more logical no?! Suppression is now just adding another layer that really wasn't needed.

If you ask me, the suppression they've added should only work for machine guns and shotguns with frag rounds fired at range. This would be more representative of real life situations where big caliber guns are used to intimidate enemies and force them into cover while forces encroach on their position no?

Suppression is a great idea, but you should only get points for it, not affect suppressed players' aim with all weapons and at all ranges.
Sure looks like a ragequit to me.

I'd actually like to think I'm pretty skilled in BF3, and shooters in general.

Look me up in battlelog if you like (Davepen).

I find the patch hasn't really affected my game much, because I was using correct cover/tactics before the patch.

Fire and maneuver, it's the name of the game.

3 F's

Find the enemy
Fix the enemy in position
Finish the enemy.

U got those 3 F's all wrong.

I really would give HC another go, it's much better.

I am still trying to understand your issue with the system tho.

As someone said above, if you get the drop on 2 enemys, sure in normal mode they will not die as quickly as HC, but if you are firing at them, even from an assualt rifle, and they are close together, you can suppress/kill them both.

If you have one enemy on the left, and one on the right, you can't realistically expect to suppress and kill them both before you get shot by one of them...?

Yep I would usually end up killing both of them (or more) because I use the Mass 26 for that specific reason. Now I'm put at a disadvantage for flanking an enemy position which is usually left just to me because most players don't actually go for objectives.

Maybe it's because I'm playing BF3 the same way I played BF2142, or maybe it's because the average 2142 player was a damn sight better than the average BF3 one tactically speaking, so teamwork was much more common. If you played the past BF games you'll know what I mean - more often than not when you joined a squad in BF2/2142, the squad leader was setting objectives and going for them, in BF3 you'll be lucky to see that in maybe 10% of the squads you join, at least in normal mode, can't speak for HC.
What are your stats like?

When looking at the skill of a player I will generally look for their skill rating rather than w/l ratio.

Fix the enemy = suppress them.

Spotting would be covered by the first F, Find. I personally play 99% HC mode so don't benefit from the enemy markers.
skill fluctuates all the time i think i higher w/l is more important but each to their own i didn't mean it as a dig.

Ahh i got ya i guess that's where the new patch really shines working as a team and getting players to supress to push forward works a lot better than it did pre patch.
before i had to rely on this
skip to 1:10's if the video doesn't embed properly.

and on the enemys screen would have had little to no supression no his monitor would have been a blurry mess!
If you ask me, the suppression they've added should only work for machine guns and shotguns with frag rounds fired at range. This would be more representative of real life situations where big caliber guns are used to intimidate enemies and force them into cover while forces encroach on their position no?

Suppression is a great idea, but you should only get points for it, not affect suppressed players' aim with all weapons and at all ranges.

In an earlier post you mentioned that they seem to be catering for the lone wolf rather than team play, but everything else you have said seems to say that you want to be able to kill multiple enemys without them being able to kill you, but on your own?

It is not the caliber of bullets that suppresses, but simply the volume of fire. (caliber does seem to matter slightly, but that's not what makes the difference between a support gunner and a single rifleman)

Obviously a LMG (lets say a M249) will be able to lay down more fire than a single rifleman with say, an M16. But this is due to volume of fire rather than caliber.

The problem with computer games is, they're not real life.

Having been on the right side of firearms (luckily never the wrong) I would say that they are scary, loud and scary.

I can only imagine what being under fire would be like, the only experience I have of taking fire is paintball and airsofting, and even that is scary enough when you are behind cover taking some heavy fire.

A computer game can only attempt to make you feel that same fear that you would under fire, and it does this by giving you visual effects, by knocking your aim off.

If you are a single rifle man versus a large group of enemies, you cant expect to be able to kill them all without a very large tactical advantage.

This advantage could be numbers, why not take a few of your squad mates with you rather than going alone?

It could be something like height, try and gain elevation on your enemy, this provides a massive tactical advantage.

A heavy suppression effect makes the game a lot more realistic, and it makes you consider more tactical options rather than just run and gun.

If you are having issues I suggest switching your tactics up.
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Well as I said many times before :p HC mode sucks now IMO (was a massive fan of it, was the only mode that I played on since BC 2), whatever it is, the game mode is essentially whoever fires first wins now and the suppression will still play a big part I find and due to the last patch, camping will be even worse!

My ping is very good, so that isn't the issue. I am quite an aggressive player, not someone who just camps in one spot for the entire round, always going from flags to flags but I use cover a lot and am always aiming down the sights when going around corners etc.

In HC I was always in the top 5 pretty much with a k/d of mostly 1.6, and if on maps that I knew really well and liked (only about 3), 3+ k/d (for infantry play only that is, with vehicles, mainly tanks, it is around 10+) before the patch, where as since the patch, in the bottom 10 with 0.5k/d, as soon as you run from cover, you're dead instantly.

Where as on softcore, back in the top 5 with better k/d for everything apart from the tanks now :p (doing much better than what I did on hardcore as well), even though a few more shots are required to kill people and you have that stupid 3D spotting, everything is much better IMO, more fun, great to have the 3P view for vehicles back, makes flying aircraft even more fun and enjoyable :D, the teamwork is just unbelievably good! You get revived soooo much, ammo and med packs dropped all the time, the team stick together and actually feels like they're watching your back (I will never go back to HC mode again due to the vast difference in teamwork) and then it is easier to detect a cheater now due to the killcam, not instantly dying like in HC mode thus making it even harder to tell if someone is cheating and even better there is less camping faggots! :D

Anyway as for this game to be as realistic as possible.......emm no thanks! If you want realistic then arma 2 is what you want! :p Battlefield is about making the game as realistic as possible but not at the cost of FUN/casual gaming, however, more importantly it is suppose to be about teamplay. If the game was suppose to be realistic then why not have it so that 1 headshot is instant kill, 2-3 shots to the chest is instant kill (granted this is what it is like in HC mode now), 1 jav completely destroys a tank, aircraft especially jets completely dominate the ground and skies (well since this patch they pretty much do :p) and then reviving a person who was shot in the head or blown up shouldn't work, no regen health even with med packs, once you're shot, you aren't going to heal in a few seconds etc. etc. :p

If you guys think that making the game as realistic as possible would make it more fun then lol :p
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I'm usually at the front of my squad, trying to get the buggers to move from their camping spot.

My point about big caliber guns was that that is what they are used for, much more than assault rifles and other weapons that play a less significant part in that particular role.

I know guns are loud, I've got a few myself :p but a few mates I have that are over in Afghanistan have noted that when soldiers have been shot they've often not even noticed, let alone been covering from fire in close proximity (which of course they do it's just you can't see the bullets let alone get blurry vision from them) :p

It looks like I'll have to change my tactics, the days of leading squads into enemy objectives are over me thinks. :p
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If the game was suppose to be realistic then why not have it so that 1 headshot is instant kill, 2-3 shots to the chest is instant kill (granted this is what it is like in HC mode now), 1 jav completely destroys a tank, aircraft especially jets completely dominate the ground and skies (well since this patch they pretty much do :p) and then reviving a person who was shot in the head or blown up shouldn't work, no regen health even with med packs, once you're shot, you aren't going to heal in a few seconds etc. etc. :p

If you guys think that making the game as realistic as possible would make it more fun then lol :p

In HC mode, *most of the above applies.

No one said "as realistic as possible"

But suppression is realistic and encourages teamplay.
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In HC mode, all of the above applies.

No one said "as realistic as possible"

But suppression is realistic and encourages teamplay.

Not true;

- 1 Jav just disables the tank, I mean completely destroy as in that video we seen on youtube

- your health still regenerates with a med pack

- you can still revive people even though they were shot in the face with a RPG etc. :p

Hmm that is one thing that I would love, more gore! And proper body parts being blown off just like in Rambo 4 :p :D Just imagine what it would be like with the frostbite engine! :D
Hmm that is one thing that I would love, more gore! And proper body parts being blown off just like in Rambo 4 :p :D Just imagine what it would be like with the frostbite engine! :D

That is one thing I would really like, I mean, call me sick, but if I shoot a .308 round into some guys head, I want it to blow off.

At least blood marks on bodies would be good, so you can see where you shot someone.
On a different note, has anyone else noticed that with most games it seems like one team is always thrashing the other? I don't recall any of the other BF games being this unbalanced, but maybe it's due to the smaller maps and fewer capture points?

taken from EA lalala forums (hahaha lol)
On a different note, has anyone else noticed that with most games it seems like one team is always thrashing the other? I don't recall any of the other BF games being this unbalanced, but maybe it's due to the smaller maps and fewer capture points?

Yup, every single game I play (conquest large, 32 or 48 player), one team always gets trashed big time, at least a difference of 200 tickets and most of the time it is 400 or more tickets :eek: :mad:

I have to switch teams every now and again otherwise I am only ever stuck on the team that has only 1 flag and is getting raped. If I didn't switch teams, my w/l ratio would be less than 0.1 :p
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Yup, every single game I play (conquest large, 32 or 48 player), one team always gets trashed big time, at least a difference of 200 tickets and most of the time it is 400 or more tickets :eek: :mad:

I have to switch teams every now and again otherwise I am only ever stuck on the team that has only 1 flag and is getting raped. If I didn't switch teams, my w/l ratio would be less than 0.1 :p

Same here, it seems every game i join one team has all the super ranked scrubs and the other team has people that are lucky if theyre a rank of 30. Makes for a brilliant game experience...:mad:
What would you actually change to fundamentally alter the way people play a multiplayer game though ?

The only thing i can think of is that its down to poor balancing of the players skill at startup.

But then the forums are full of complaints from people that their parties get split up when entering servers.

I'm honestly not sure what you'd change to make sure that teams don't end up losing by massive amounts.
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