Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I've just switched on my gaming PC to have a play and Origin is doing an update to BF3, which is fine. However, I am now 3.1GB/1.5GB and it's been telling me it is 99% since passing 1.5GB. Any ideas why this is and when it is likely to complete this ever increasing update?
Still love this mission. It was the first time I fully realised how awesome this game was.


Still love this mission. It was the first time I fully realised how awesome this game was.[/IG]


Graphically it was nice, gameplay wise it was like one of those interactive kids dvd's. :(
Graphically it was nice, gameplay wise it was like one of those interactive kids dvd's. :(

It was kinda fun but it also bugged me that as the navigator you did *all* of the shooting and flaring. Because, you know, the pilot's sole job is to get it in the air and taxi you to the warzone like a chauffeur while you lean out the window and shoot up the neighborhood.

They really missed a trick there, if they'd put in more effort they could have had you flying it yourself. Possibly less cinematic, definitely more fun.
It was kinda fun but it also bugged me that as the navigator you did *all* of the shooting and flaring. Because, you know, the pilot's sole job is to get it in the air and taxi you to the warzone like a chauffeur while you lean out the window and shoot up the neighborhood.

They really missed a trick there, if they'd put in more effort they could have had you flying it yourself. Possibly less cinematic, definitely more fun.

To me it was all about a cinematic piece which instantly takes you from the run and gun within the previous level to what we have come to love in BF3. I'm assuming that they removed flight controls because for some reason they couldn't replicate the graphics for multiplayer?? Either way the graphics etc impressed me allot.
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LOL I had wondered this since I was playing as a chopper gun and continually getting locked onto with a Javelin, couldn't see a SOFLAM anywhere tho.

I doubt it's the case though, otherwise that would be a mahooossive ****-up.

just joined a game to test this myth and....


javalin will NOT lock on to air vehicles that are not targetted (I think tanks '3rd seat' can do locks too)
It's going to be nothing but grenade spam,m320 and rpgs... you'll die over and over again

If i will host the server for close combat for CQ247 the 1st thing i will do is to install the plugin to restrict m320 and rpg from the server. Has no place on these kind of maps.

If I still play by then though. Hitting a bit of a low point atm. Not enjoying Battlefield 3 lately really with all the flaws after every patch/client update.

Time for a couple days away from the battlefield :cool:
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