Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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It does serve a good purpose but still annoying. I played almost a whole round and got swapped over to the losing team with 1 ticket left as since we had slaughtered them, loads of people quit before the end and hence I was auto balanced just before I got my winning medal...........:mad:

Once the tickets get below 30 you wont be switched until next round. However in light of this i have increased it to 50. ;)
Soflam is so overpowered. Was playing Sharqi earlier and a well placed soflam was just destroying our heli before it could even take off with 3 or 4 missiles inbound instantly. No way to beat it as even when you do get off the ground it's range plus the range of javelins when locked on is infinite. Add to that the fact that it takes a ridiculous amount of hits to destroy, a single squad can dominate a 64 player map from a spawn beacon on an unassailable building.

Just one more game flaw to add to the pile...

Its easy when used properly, but I find it difficult to get others to put up a decent positioned one (or couple). It is weird how hard they are to kill, not sure if it was intentional?
Its easy when used properly, but I find it difficult to get others to put up a decent positioned one (or couple). It is weird how hard they are to kill, not sure if it was intentional?

Always felt like the hitbox for it was in the ground. :D
Aye, that SOFLAM... I've had it happen so many times I was in the heli and just kept shooting at it but after like 7 or 8 salvo's it's destroyed... like wtf! The whole ground should be a crater after one salvo :p
Aye, that SOFLAM... I've had it happen so many times I was in the heli and just kept shooting at it but after like 7 or 8 salvo's it's destroyed... like wtf! The whole ground should be a crater after one salvo :p

yeah it sucks balls, i tend to look for the sniper normally near by. i was flying with ck88 and in the end i got out and naded it!
just got this from EA

"In the coming months your EA Account and profile will be upgraded to a new Origin Account.

Your identity, order history and preferences will remain unchanged and we will notify you via email when this transition takes place.

Your new EA Master Account has been created. Welcome to the EA community!"
You may well be having the same problem as I was. I'll post up a guide tonight for what I did, at work atm, and work internet is filtered, sorry :(

Does it happen completely randomly? The view in-game goes weird like its out of of the map, and then closes the game?

I haven't timed it but it always seems dead-on around 20-25 minutes into a game then the connection times out, 5 seconds later the game quits to the browser with the message 'you have been disconnected from EA'

That's if I can even get into a game in the first place. Feels like a lottery when I decide to play a game. Some times I get into a game and play for 20minutes or othertimes (mostly) I can't even load the level.

I've had chronic problems with this game since launch and it's just gotten worse....
I haven't timed it but it always seems dead-on around 20-25 minutes into a game then the connection times out, 5 seconds later the game quits to the browser with the message 'you have been disconnected from EA'

That's if I can even get into a game in the first place. Feels like a lottery when I decide to play a game. Some times I get into a game and play for 20minutes or othertimes (mostly) I can't even load the level.

I've had chronic problems with this game since launch and it's just gotten worse....

after 20mins i bet that will be a UPnP router setting. U need it turned off...
I don't understand what's so weird about that.

It's not weird, it's just funny using only smoke grenades for a laugh.

you wont get away with that in hardcore.. thats what makes me laugh about kiddy mode... you can run around taking bullets and fire smoke nades like that... pfff

He we go with the hardcore mode elitism. In hardcore mode I'm far more likely to die from some rookie who gets a lucky shot on me due to the high damage. 1v1 on normal servers you need to have decent aim to make every bullet count.
It's not weird, it's just funny using only smoke grenades for a laugh.

He we go with the hardcore mode elitism. In hardcore mode I'm far more likely to die from some rookie who gets a lucky shot on me due to the high damage. 1v1 on normal servers you need to have decent aim to make every bullet count.

Ahh no yeah sorry, at the start of the video it says "more weirdness from frostbite 2"

Hardcore is the way forward dude.

A "lucky shot" won't play a part, unless it hits you in the head.

You don't die instantly in hardcore, it still takes a few hits to the chest, but it's a much more satisfying/realistic experience?

Have you given hardcore much play time?

I used to play normal, but since I've moved to hardcore I've never looked back, and not once do I feel that people with a lower skill level have the upper hand.
It's not weird, it's just funny using only smoke grenades for a laugh.

He we go with the hardcore mode elitism. In hardcore mode I'm far more likely to die from some rookie who gets a lucky shot on me due to the high damage. 1v1 on normal servers you need to have decent aim to make every bullet count.

its called hardcore for a reason. I don't want a debate. Have you watched that video and see the dude running around with a smoke nade? i'm just saying you would not get away with that on HC
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