Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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people will tell you otherwise but bf3 isnt really a cpu dependant game its gpu power you really need

i had a 5830 which is about exactly same in perfomance and it would play at those fps

high settings would be about 30-40
ultra about 30 fps

difference is i did benchmarked runs of 1 minute same map in conquest with min avg max not just looked at fps counte yeah i get roughly this or that.

what fps do you want ideally or hope for and what settings 60 fps high at 1980x1080 you want atleast a 7850 ocd a 6950 ocd 6970 570ocd or 580 gtx

for constant 60 fps at high

so id work out what is more important for you if you havea 460 i would probably do the cpu mb upgrade first then card along the way. more beneficial overall though .
people will tell you otherwise but bf3 isnt really a cpu dependant game its gpu power you really need

i had a 5830 which is about exactly same in perfomance and it would play at those fps

high settings would be about 30-40
ultra about 30 fps

difference is i did benchmarked runs of 1 minute same map in conquest with min avg max not just looked at fps counte yeah i get roughly this or that.

what fps do you want ideally or hope for and what settings 60 fps high at 1980x1080 you want atleast a 7850 ocd a 6950 ocd 6970 570ocd or 580 gtx

for constant 60 fps at high

so id work out what is more important for you if you havea 460 i would probably do the cpu mb upgrade first then card along the way. more beneficial overall though .

One of the problems I have is recording with Dxtory, I was hoping I would see less of an FPS drop with a better CPU.
LOL the game as intended looks like like ****, one big blurry blue mess. The way I have it now it's pin sharp, the game has colour to it and no hit to performance coz there is no MSAA on so expect some jaggies here and there. You must have real poor eyesight if you think the default art direction of BF3 is anything but ****.

^^ default IQ with 4xMSAA, hurts my eyes just looking at it.

^^ so much better

No the stock look is not perfect but it is miles better than that effort you posted right there. If you like it, whatever boils your egg but as far as I (and I am sure many others) are concerned it looks absolutely naff.

The lighting is trash, non existent? The colours look like someone who maxed saturation sliders on their GPu control panel, the lack of AA is blindingly obvious and it does not work as a eye candy. Might work to give a competitive edge if you do not like the visual fancies but it's no masterpiece.
Anyone have an i5-2500K & GTX 460 with this game, if so what settings are you running with what FPS are you getting?

1680x1050, mild overclock on the 460 (in sig, no voltage increase), must change sig as i downclocked the i5 to 4.2GHz as it seems much more stable. it never really crashed just got a bit of stuttering and pausing occasionally which has gone away at 4.2. A small voltage increase might have fixed it I guess.

Anyway, I get about 45-55FPS on high default. haven't changed anything so I'm happy enough with that. :)
Anyone have an i5-2500K & GTX 460 with this game, if so what settings are you running with what FPS are you getting?

I don't have an i5 but my Phenom II 6 core @ 4ghz runs it fine (and only cost £95 hahaha) with an Asus GTX460 1GB DirectCuII oc'd to 880 core with max voltage.

I either run this for solid 60 fps (adaptive vsync) when i'm pretending to be pro (sometimes I even get + K/D)

All 1920x1080.

Texture Quality Low
Antialiasing Deferred Off
Ambient Occlusion Off
Terrain Quality Low
Mesh Quality Ultra
Shadow Quality Low
Effects Quality Low
Motion Blur Off
Terrain Decoration Low
Antialiasing Post Low
Anisotropic Filter 16x

or this for eye candy that gets me 45-60 fps (adaptive vsync)....I'll be EBaying my 460 in a few days as I'm getting a 580 :D

Texture Quality High
Antialiasing Deferred Off
Ambient Occlusion SSAO
Terrain Quality High
Mesh Quality High
Shadow Quality Medium
Effects Quality Medium
Motion Blur Off
Terrain Decoration Medium
Antialiasing Post Low
Anisotropic Filter 16x

Your other option is to use Daoc performance beta 1.3b for FXAA injector which is AWESOME for visuals and AWFUL for text and recording imo
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No the stock look is not perfect but it is miles better than that effort you posted right there. If you like it, whatever boils your egg but as far as I (and I am sure many others) are concerned it looks absolutely naff.

The lighting is trash, non existent? The colours look like someone who maxed saturation sliders on their GPu control panel, the lack of AA is blindingly obvious and it does not work as a eye candy. Might work to give a competitive edge if you do not like the visual fancies but it's no masterpiece.

lol should have went to spec savers.

My PM box at ea forums is full of requests for my settings to make a beautiful battlefield, they have good taste and good eye sight you see.

To turn BF3 in to a better experience with less eye strain, the files are linked below to get the job done. Post AA needs to be set to high in game. Saturation to high for anyone then simply adjust it to your liking, also the HUD is not blurred with my config.
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found a few on bazaar last night on empty server might try rocket launcher jumping see if it works :D

dont know if fps has much effect on this engine

dropped res right down and all on low to get really high fps well have to see :p
Anti Aliasing is much over rated imo


Still love this game. Would be playing tomorrow morning if anyone would be around? Would be nice to actually communicate with people in game. Also, I'm NEVER going to get decent in a jet. I used to be alright in BF2 but now I barely stay in the air loing enough to do anything. Plus reactive armour means it's almost impossible (for me, the noob) to take out any vehicles.

My BF name is timebomb26 if anyone wants to add me.
what i never can work out is all people have to do on maps where tanks lavs dominate on as soon as map starts everyone just go engineer stick mines down for one life :D
Yeah, this.

There's only one tank on this level, so there's little need to carry a repair torch, and Seine is so narrow and clustered that mines are perfect for it.

Between mines, RPGs/SMAWs, C4, and your own tank, there's no way you should be letting the enemy dominate you with theirs.
Between mines, RPGs/SMAWs, C4, and your own tank, there's no way you should be letting the enemy dominate you with theirs.

There are many things which shouldn't happen in Battlefield, but they do. :p

I had a hearty lol a few nights ago when somebody moaned that the Stinger was overpowered. If you've a team of muppets it'll happen eventually...
There are many things which shouldn't happen in Battlefield, but they do. :p

I had a hearty lol a few nights ago when somebody moaned that the Stinger was overpowered. If you've a team of muppets it'll happen eventually...

Noobs moan about anything that prevents them from doing 'well'. The fact that DICE give into it is what ****es me off. Someone on a server commented that Jet's need to be nurfed.

I said, 'what a third time'?? The game, minus the obvious defects was fine in the beta.
Bloody admins do my head in. Getting sniped from the 'bank' on metro so I opened up with my M240 and get him. Next thing i know I'm kicked for shooting into uncap by the same person I killed.
Choppers do the same thing. Sit there TVing caps from their base above their AA and they wonder why I rain down on them from 800 feet.
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