Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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LOL Wes, you gotta wonder sometimes about some players..Tbh the poor bugger prob just spawned on his sqd leader and fell of the side. Happened to me on Scrapmetal too many times to be funny any more.


Tonight 247 are hosting a 247 and friends scrim @ 8pm. We will prob mix the game modes up but will have CnQ Sml included. If 8vs8 we'll prob stick to Inf only but if we get 12vs12 or more we will defo have vehicles as well.

In otherwords I wanna go ra*** in a chopper :)

You are all invited :D

What time is this I'd like to participate if possible.
i would say yes but i play this game to much :P

quick google found it for 29.99, hard copy though

there is a download option for same price but out of stock
Probably to do with the Sim City beta ending earlier, they probably just blew up all their internal servers :P It's not effecting everybody though, I am watching a BF stream on PC at the moment.
Does anyone else have the problem where when you look at a helicopter with the rotor blades spinning and everything above it on the screen is black lines? I'd post a screen shot but I don't know where to upload it. Is there a free hosting site that I could use?

I've only started noticing this graphical error since I got my new gpu which I've only been using a couple of weeks so I really hope it's not a problem with the card.
I'm playing it with:

13.1 drivers 12.11 CAP
1080p, ultra preset, 4x MSAA
HD7950 934/1262MHZ
i5 3570k
Does anyone else have the problem where when you look at a helicopter with the rotor blades spinning and everything above it on the screen is black lines?

You no longer need the 12.11 cap files. They are now included in the main driver. Uninstall the cap + driver files then download and install the 13.2 beta 5 drivers from AMD. Will fix your problem.
Create a free account here for photo uploads.

Here's some examples of the graphics problem. It only happens when I'm close to a flying helicopter or zoomed in at one.

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You no longer need the 12.11 cap files. They are now included in the main driver. Uninstall the cap + driver files then download and install the 13.2 beta 5 drivers from AMD. Will fix your problem.

Thanks I'll try that. I did have the 13.2 beta 4 drivers before and went back to 13.1 for some reason but I can't remember why.
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