Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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all trailers they make it look amazing. but then you play and notice the same ****ing flaws ;p

Watched some ps3 streams today..bit meh it seemed.

Have to wait and see
Yup, game play trailers always look amazing but once you get in game with "proper" game play, not "staged" game play it will still be the same annoying crappy game play, just like it is for all the other DLC maps :p
Before you do anything rash I believe you could just delete or migrate the xpack2, xpack3, xpack4, and soon to be xpack5?

All you need is the patch to play on Vanilla servers, the xpack1 is B2k. Should solve your problem and free up about 10GB+ of space :)

It's not the space, I have 330GB of rapid storage to draw on, not to mention 2.5TB of slower storage. It's the point that I fancied a game then, had time then. Now I don't really care. BF4 better be good
Have to kinda agree I guess. The most epic games I've ever played have actually been played on Vanilla, I'd say it's because most of the players know them maps and everything just falls into place, win or lose (obviously not all the time though)

With DLC, it can feel very... ''New'' and sloppy for a while. Kinda puts you off it :P This video is obviously very staged haha
Same here Westie, im gonna wait till later tonight before downloading it. Hopefully the servers wont be getting hammered as much.
Anyone else getting relatively crappy d/l speed on origin?
It's only getting up to 500kb/s whereas Steam usually does 1.4-1.7mb/s. Pretty sure it was the same with the last update/dlc.

I guess the servers are getting slaughtered right now.
Im getting an origin network error when trying to start the update. On my connection, (when it does start) i might have this update by the 12th of march.:D
Gah, didn't realise the update was tonight, battlelog was being super slow and origin has now bummed out. First time I have had any trouble with origin. :(
I managed to download the patch earlier, but even thought it completed and installed every time I try to open a game it says that I need to download the patch :confused:. It won't let me repair the game in Origin as it coming up with download errors, but I can still get into games.

Oh and Damavand Peak has gained two new M-coms.

Edit: I have just got the repair to work.
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My update has finally started, 2hr's 38 mins remaining. Guess ill just leave it running and hopefully it'll be done for after the footie match tonight.
Actually getting a pretty decent speed from origin, (900kbps ono).

Should be a cracking match tonight, crossing fingers, legs, arms, toes and praying for united to go through tonight.
Just my luck, new PC (sig), downloaded BF3 premium last night and come in from work ready for some action, yet have to download a 6gb update....

A heads up from Origin would have been nice, I could have downloaded this while I was at work. Just logged on for a quick blast before bed. Patch will take me 6 hours:(
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