Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Since end game and the patch I've been rubber banding and seeing people teleport, I've not bothered playing the game since. EA and DICE have officially stopped supporting the game now so good luck to you all. They have your money and have given you the Royal middle finger, but rest assured they will want you bach for BF4.
I haven't played this since September last year :( What major changes have I missed out on.. I logged onto battle-log and what is all this premium nonsense about :o
I just completed the campaign for the first time. While the plot isn't outstanding and the gameplay is tried and tested I thought the execution of them both was superb. The engine is still clearly fantastic.
I'm going to have a go online with the multiplayer this weekend.

Which game type would be best for someone who has little idea what they're doing? Any particular servers that are more tolerant of noobs?

I just started on BF3 a few days ago. I've put about 5 days into it on console but its taken me a little bit to get used to it.

Team deathmatch, I've been playing on whatever server has th best ping/player count and I've been in the top few places on my team.

You get a lot of gun fights (on TDM) so you get plenty of practise getting used to managing recoil of individual guns.

I'd check out rivalxfactor's YouTube channel for useful hints on handling guns/mouse settings/tactics that sort of thing. I can send you a few links when I've got a spare moment.
I just started on BF3 a few days ago. I've put about 5 days into it on console but its taken me a little bit to get used to it.

Team deathmatch, I've been playing on whatever server has th best ping/player count and I've been in the top few places on my team.

You get a lot of gun fights (on TDM) so you get plenty of practise getting used to managing recoil of individual guns.

I'd check out rivalxfactor's YouTube channel for useful hints on handling guns/mouse settings/tactics that sort of thing. I can send you a few links when I've got a spare moment.

Could you post said links here? Would appreciate it.
Guys, if I reinstall this game from disc, I know I'm faced with a huge update through Origin. I wonder, is the update file available for manual download and install, or is it update through Origin or nothing?
I'm actually really enjoying the multiplayer and have done 5 hours today. I had my first game freeze earlier though. The game just froze midway through a game and wouldn't come back.

I've also not really experienced any real idiots yet. One player was taunting others after he killed them by calling them 'sphincters' and another was moaning because his team mates were all 'newbs'. Apart from that it's generally been ******** free. :)

Definitely prefer the larger outdoor maps rather than the confined spaces of Metro as I prefer to have a little bit of time to breath.
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