Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Yeah the spotting in BC2 is identical, I'm used to the spotting and always spot myself too.

I must admit, I am really struggling to find good populated servers too, there just doesnt seem to be many people playing, I can find many full UK BC2 servers doing conquest modes etc, but I can barely find any full uk servers on BF3 doing conquest modes. Not too big a fan of hardcore mode either as I dont particularly like friendly fire

I'm not a big fan of rush or DM etc, I like all the Conquest modes so those are the servers I look for. Preferably ones that utilise the expansions too, as I have premium so might as well use the expansion maps otherwise I may as well have just bought the basic edition instead.

But try as I might, the only Conquest mode servers, using a decent array of maps, with a healthy population, that I can find...are German or Russian, and even then its only 1 or 2.
Yeah the spotting in BC2 is identical, I'm used to the spotting and always spot myself too.

I must admit, I am really struggling to find good populated servers too, there just doesnt seem to be many people playing, I can find many full UK BC2 servers doing conquest modes etc, but I can barely find any full uk servers on BF3 doing conquest modes. Not too big a fan of hardcore mode either as I dont particularly like friendly fire

I'm not a big fan of rush or DM etc, I like all the Conquest modes so those are the servers I look for. Preferably ones that utilise the expansions too, as I have premium so might as well use the expansion maps otherwise I may as well have just bought the basic edition instead.

But try as I might, the only Conquest mode servers, using a decent array of maps, with a healthy population, that I can find...are German or Russian, and even then its only 1 or 2.

I've got a handful of UK 64 man CQ servers on my favourites - I'll drop you the details when I'm at home later. They're generally full all day everyday.
As Assault, get the M416 and stick with that.

The M16 is good, but can't be used when you play as RU until you have your first Assault Service start and have unlocked everything. Once you have that, you can start using the M16 every round and get better with it.

As engineer, I'd stick with the A91 to get some rhythm, then maybe look at the M4A1 as US engineer

One can use the M16A4. It is the superior weapon to the A3 but harder to master due to fact that it's single- and burst-fire only. You can still fire it full-auto if you time the bursts right, though.
Goddamn, against my better judgment I gave it some more goes...finished this last round with my score as 1-18. Bloody ridiculous. I get decent scores on BC2, but this...its just wasting my time frankly. I spawn right behind a wall, guy steps straight around the wall, shoots me dead and runs off. If I didnt know better, I would say he damn well knew I was there, even though I had literally just spawned. Ran up behind a guy, shot away like billy-o , he turns around and goes bang once and I'm dead. Guy laid down firing a G3 at long range, I sneak up behind him, just as I am about to knife him he turns around shoots me dead and goes back to laying down. Tank was coming up the road toward a flag point, I was hidden in a bush just outside of the flagpoint waiting for him, he drives along, immediately turns his gunbarrel to my bush and blows it up then continues along. Wasnt shooting at bushes randomly to check to see if anyone was in them, just pointed straight at mine and blasted.

I feel utterly useless at the game, maybe it is the spotting, but the spotting in BC2 was never as dominant as this. Its literally like every player I encounter is fully aware of exactly where I am at all times, whether I am in a bush, around a wall or on the other side of a building.

To make matters even more humiliating, there were guys in that round who ended with scores like 118-3 and 97-6
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Goddamn, against my better judgment I gave it some more goes...finished this last round with my score as 1-18. Bloody ridiculous. I get decent scores on BC2, but this...its just wasting my time frankly. I spawn right behind a wall, guy steps straight around the wall, shoots me dead and runs off. If I didnt know better, I would say he damn well knew I was there, even though I had literally just spawned. Ran up behind a guy, shot away like billy-o , he turns around and goes bang once and I'm dead. Guy laid down firing a G3 at long range, I sneak up behind him, just as I am about to knife him he turns around shoots me dead and goes back to laying down. Tank was coming up the road toward a flag point, I was hidden in a bush just outside of the flagpoint waiting for him, he drives along, immediately turns his gunbarrel to my bush and blows it up then continues along. Wasnt shooting at bushes randomly to check to see if anyone was in them, just pointed straight at mine and blasted.

I feel utterly useless at the game, maybe it is the spotting, but the spotting in BC2 was never as dominant as this. Its literally like every player I encounter is fully aware of exactly where I am at all times, whether I am in a bush, around a wall or on the other side of a building.

To make matters even more humiliating, there were guys in that round who ended with scores like 118-3 and 97-6

Dude, like I said previously, change your Server......assuming this is happening only on a specific Server ofc, and not every single one you play. Even after putting +300 hours into this game, this kind of nonsense happens to me pretty regularly with unbalanced games, lag compensation, and possible (but unlikely) hackery.

Also, w.r.t the Tank finding you, there is a "Proximity Scan" perk which does exactly what it says on the tin - highlighting hostiles on the mini-map when in range.

Finally what I will say is the sometimes you are in an exposed spot and no matter what you do you will be spotted because of enemy positioning. Also, don't forget that the Recon MAV and T-UGS also auto-Spot you on the mini-map when you are in range.

You could just be hugely unlucky so far, but remember you are coming into an experienced playing field where every sod out there has knowledge on map layouts and noob tactics. Take it slow, take it easy, stick to Assault (powerful) weapons and most importantly, stick to a good Squad (or find players/friends with who you can Squad up with).

EDIT: What is your gamer name? Share it here and others will "friend" you - maybe some of us (or the regular ocUK crowd) can arrange to squad up with you tonight.
Goddamn, against my better judgment I gave it some more goes...finished this last round with my score as 1-18. Bloody ridiculous. I get decent scores on BC2, but this...its just wasting my time frankly. I spawn right behind a wall, guy steps straight around the wall, shoots me dead and runs off. If I didnt know better, I would say he damn well knew I was there, even though I had literally just spawned. Ran up behind a guy, shot away like billy-o , he turns around and goes bang once and I'm dead. Guy laid down firing a G3 at long range, I sneak up behind him, just as I am about to knife him he turns around shoots me dead and goes back to laying down. Tank was coming up the road toward a flag point, I was hidden in a bush just outside of the flagpoint waiting for him, he drives along, immediately turns his gunbarrel to my bush and blows it up then continues along. Wasnt shooting at bushes randomly to check to see if anyone was in them, just pointed straight at mine and blasted.

I feel utterly useless at the game, maybe it is the spotting, but the spotting in BC2 was never as dominant as this. Its literally like every player I encounter is fully aware of exactly where I am at all times, whether I am in a bush, around a wall or on the other side of a building.

To make matters even more humiliating, there were guys in that round who ended with scores like 118-3 and 97-6

Yup as the guy above said - Proximity scan on tank, its a beauty!

I have a very good headset and can hear people running - chances are that guy laying prone heard you coming and turned around (that's happened to me lots of times too).

Put in the hours, and you'll see improvement - I can assure you.

I'll be happy to squad up - I'm reasonably decent and can make an effort keep you up!

Feel free to add me also guys if you want to squad up - Origin: IngeniousTROLL
Hehe, I was just in the squad with the guy who got the 118-3 score, so I ran about with him to see if I could pick up any tips.

Well...I say I ran around with him, it was nigh on impossible to keep up with him, he was sprinting all over the place, turning swiftly, running from place to place all over the map, funnily enough he didnt actually bother to stop and take any flagpoints or defend them, just ran all over the map like mad blasting people. I tried to learn something from him but frankly he was seeing people , shooting them and killing them before I was even aware they were there lol !

Maybe I am getting old and my eyesight and reaction times are diminishing too much these days :D
Yeah the spotting in BC2 is identical, I'm used to the spotting and always spot myself too.

I must admit, I am really struggling to find good populated servers too, there just doesnt seem to be many people playing, I can find many full UK BC2 servers doing conquest modes etc, but I can barely find any full uk servers on BF3 doing conquest modes. Not too big a fan of hardcore mode either as I dont particularly like friendly fire

I'm not a big fan of rush or DM etc, I like all the Conquest modes so those are the servers I look for. Preferably ones that utilise the expansions too, as I have premium so might as well use the expansion maps otherwise I may as well have just bought the basic edition instead.

But try as I might, the only Conquest mode servers, using a decent array of maps, with a healthy population, that I can find...are German or Russian, and even then its only 1 or 2.

I know you you don't like HC but why don't you give ours a try?
See my sig for details, we have our Conquest, Metro, Rush & TDM servers.

For other serves take a look here (I'll try and update it when I have time.)
Put in the hours, and you'll see improvement - I can assure you.

Yeah, it could just be that, I mean I have put in the hours on Bad Company 2 (back in the days when I had the hours to put in) so that could explain why I am so much better on that game. Sadly I just dont have the hours nowadays to put into a game so not sure if I will ever improve too much in BF3. I'll try to keep plugging away.

I've tried many different servers and its happening to me on all of them, so I fear it must just be me :D
I know you you don't like HC but why don't you give ours a try?
See my sig for details, we have our Conquest, Metro, Rush & TDM servers.

For other serves take a look here (I'll try and update it when I have time.)

I might give it a go, I mean the only thing I dont like about HC is friendly fire, the rest I dont mind, but friendly fire is just one of those game concepts which gets right on my mammaries :D
Trouble is with the M4A1 is you can't get a rhythm going for it until you have your service star, as you can't use it when you play RU.

Thats why i suggested the A91 at first, to give you a chance to learn a weapon and get some consistency with it.

G53 for the engineer for me. Kobra, grip, heavy barrel. Works wonders.
I might give it a go, I mean the only thing I dont like about HC is friendly fire, the rest I dont mind, but friendly fire is just one of those game concepts which gets right on my mammaries :D

FF isn't too much of a problem tbh, I'd rather have that than spotting. :)

If you sign up on our site you will get our TS details, makes playing more fun and our regs will be happy to give you some tips.
FF isn't too much of a problem tbh, I'd rather have that than spotting. :)

If you sign up on our site you will get our TS details, makes playing more fun and our regs will be happy to give you some tips.

Lol mind you, just done a couple of rounds on the conquest one there and failed to kill a single person, got a kill score of 0 lol. Was dead every time before I could even get a shot off :D
Righty, back to the non HC servers. I will give it one more round and that'll do I think, want to feel in a good mood after a gaming session, not a frustrated one. One more round, if I'm not doing any better I think I'll download Call of Juarez Gunslinger and do some shooting on that instead ;)
Righty, back to the non HC servers. I will give it one more round and that'll do I think, want to feel in a good mood after a gaming session, not a frustrated one. One more round, if I'm not doing any better I think I'll download Call of Juarez Gunslinger and do some shooting on that instead ;)

I remember feeling just like this when starting out on the older Counter Strike series, and Bad Company 2, so I hear ya frustration bro!

Let us know how you get on :)
I remember feeling just like this when starting out on the older Counter Strike series, and Bad Company 2, so I hear ya frustration bro!

Let us know how you get on :)

Finished that one at 5-27 , its like the opposite scores to what I get in Bad Company 2 lol. Think I will just notch this one down to a game which just isnt for me. Not gelling with it at all, pity as it graphically is stunning. I just cant match the other players reactions, they are way faster than me, I barely see them and when I do see them, they drop me in a couple of shots, often times before I have even had a chance to click on my mouse button lol. I'm just not improving at all and its too frustrating to play, end of the day I can either play BC2, get some good scores, enjoy the time and leave the computer feeling upbeat, or I can play BF3, get horrific scores, spend most of the time in the dirt or respawning, get awful scores, not really enjoy the time and leave the computer feeling downbeat. Common sense answers which one of those two I should do :D

(awesome graphics though and runs SO smooth , even with everything on ultra. Terrific game engine)
The problem is you are playing against people like us that have been playing since release date.

We'v got hundreds of hours of experience and know all the hiding spots, the way the map flows, and crucially how to use the spotting mechanic to our advantage. All of the times you've been turned around and shot upon is because you've been spotted.

If you're finding it frustrating you can either keep trying until you learn, or just give up and maybe pick up BF4 and then start on a level playing field.
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