Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Must admit I haven't found this game CPU intensive
It isnt quite as intensive cpu wise as BFBC2 was. But with a single 3570k at 4.5ghz, my sli'd 670's werent being utilised properly. Bf3 likes extra threads, hence my upgrade to the 3770k, difference was pretty noticeable. 91% card usage vs 80% with the non ht chip. Was the same with my i7 920 and gtx 470's in sli if i turned off ht in bios.
x2 2.5gb 570's will cope extremely well with bf3, much better than the old 470's i had. With only 1.2gb of vram onboard, i had to lower a few settings to keep a decent frame rate. May limit the frame rate on my current cards, as the top one runs quite a bit warmer than the lower one. Sometimes hitting the 70c throttle limit. One of the pitfalls of non reference cards in sli i suppose.
Bought this October 27th 2011, going by the Origin app (guessing this was the release date?)

Never actually played it though. Installing now. Hopefully it will give me a few hours of fun.
Didn't realise there was a double XP event on. Had a good game last night, netted 53k in points from one game which is my best yet.

Sorry for the team kills JGStonedRaider :D
Pretty much, don't know why people use it as their ONLY weapon. I am unlocking all the unlocks for all the guns at the moment and can stomp people just as much with every other gun than the M16A3, they just have different strengths.

People use the M16A3 so that when an assault player kills you with a gun which is NOT the M16, you can go "Oh!" to yourself and raise your eyebrows slightly, especially if it something like the KH002, which only a nutter would use. If everyone used a wide range of weapons this wouldn't happen. Thus the M16 players are offering a valuable community service.
I guessed that! But they usually post a news item etc. I didn't see anything like that this time. :)

any ideas how long its going to last? Will run with E3 I'd assume?
I guessed that! But they usually post a news item etc. I didn't see anything like that this time. :)

any ideas how long its going to last? Will run with E3 I'd assume?

Double XP Information

Haven’t reached Colonel 100 yet? No problem. DICE is throwing a Double XP party from 2 AM PDT on June 11th, running for a total of 144 hours. There is a snag though, you must play on ranked servers and you must be a Premium Member.

Start time: 2AM June 11 PDT
Running time total: 144 hours
Who: Premium members only
Game: Battlefield 3, any maps and expansion pack(s)
What: Double XP on any ranked servers

Also free Close Quartes DLC as already mentioned, dog tag, and Premium on sale.
Hadn't noticed the double XP either, will have to jump on for a few games tonight - I've been getting back into this recently, definitely enjoying the AN94 at the moment!
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