Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Download the old drivers, run the exe and hit custom installation, clean install, hit next and your good.

I never install the 3D driver or Geforce experience so uncheck them during custom installation .
XFactors vids are quite good:

He has a series called "Breaking bad habits" which I found useful.

Feel free to come on TS sometime and poke me if you want a few rounds together (you won't be able to get in my channel).

Well frankly there is loads to learn. No idea what your preference is Inf / vehicles but as has been said RivalXfactor or levelcap are good places to start. Oh and I would REALLY suggest playing normal mode to improve your aim. Oh and stick to 1-3 weapons so you can master them rather than chopping and changing.

So a couple of playlists for ya

Xfactor how to be a better noob

Xfactors back to basics

Level caps Pro Tips

Cheers for that, I'll check those out :)

Tbh, I'm not THAT bad (though my stats disagree :o). It's just that I don't play too often and don't use a mic, so I end up being a lone ranger more often than not.

I mainly play as infantry and usually stick to normal mode.
I find the larger maps annoying as they're usually dominated by vehicles and snipers, so I mostly stick with TDM/conquest dom on CQ maps and Noshahr/Bazaar/Talah.

Anyway, my name is Petey and I'm a noob.
Thank you for listening :)

Is that the time? :eek:
Oh God, here you go: *cringe*
In my defence, a fair bit of that is from letting mates have a crack, but I can't lie, I'm on the poo side...

Really should play this more than once or twice a week...

In all honesty, I'm not too bothered about stats or winning the game. I just like to have a good battle really.
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Been Trying to buy Games in the HUMBLE BUNDLE but cant find it in origin. Does anyone have any ideas and advice to make the purchase work?

Pay enough to get BF3 on Humble Bundle -> "Click the button to redeem your Origin key" -> Open Origin -> Origin, Redeem Product Code (menu) -> Enter your code -> Goto My Games, dl and play!

is all I did anyway.
I haven't had anywhere as much of a problem with cheaters since I started playing again (about 1 or 2 months ago). Originally for the first year or so, I encountered so many but not now :)

They have probably got bored of the game and moved on to ruin something else.

As for improving your gameplay, tbh it really isn't that hard! :p Just use common sense i.e.

- never reload when running around a corner, unless you know for a FACT that no one will be there i.e. when in your base, this is usually what caused most of my deaths in BC 2 and BF 3 at the start, such an obvious thing yet such a common occurence with many players. Try to reload before you run out of ammo too otherwise the reload is longer then
- when shooting out windows, don't go right to the window, stay back and try to stay in the "dark" parts, not the well lit areas and when dealing with people who are shooting out the windows, if possible, destroy the walls, heck of a lot easier to shoot people then
- never run right in the open, always use cover and always stick to a wall
- try to take on your targets when you are behind something and never peak out any more than required, why give them more of your body to shoot at? You want to make it as hard as possible for them to shoot you
- always aim down the sight when going around corners, you will be ready straight away if anyone is around the corner
- use the mini map if available, this is extremely useful, all enemies that are firing their guns (which aren't suppressed) will show up on the mini map thus giving you their positions
- if playing as a medic, try to keep the medic pack and always throw it at a corner before you start a firefight rather than taking 50% damage and then throwing it.....
- try to join squads where the players all have different squad perks, that way you have all the perks as opposed to just 1 or 2 (since hardly any one changes them.....) and change yours to one that isn't been used!
- never hip fire unless it is in very close quarters and/or you are using the m5k, ump, p90 etc. with a laser sight
- fire controlled short bursts for long range shots when using assault rifles etc.
- don't move from your cover or go charging in unless the area ahead is definitely clear, you will just get killed 90% of the time :p (could maybe get away with it more often when playing normal, but not hardcore)
- spot the enemy/hit q even when just scouting/looking around a corner as sometimes enemies will be spotted even when you aren't looking directly at them and you might not have seen them without the 3d spotting
- know when to use the correct class and certain unlocks i.e. if no one else is playing as recon AND using the SOFLAM on say kharg island on rush (and you are defending) then play as that class and plant the SOFLAM high up and manually control it (tell your team to use JAvs), this is the most important role on that map imo as you can spot every enemy that is trying to flank and most importantly the potential to take out the heavy armour plus heli and jet before they do serious harm. Not fun and certainly not rewarding but it is vital if you want to win that round without losing the first base. Likewise for certain maps like metro, use smoke m320 as it means you can push past the frag, rpg, LMG spam
- use the environment i.e. on metro and seine, if you have the RPG/SMAW or M320, don't just fire it at your enemy, fire it at the wall above them and take out more than just 1 person
- if you are playing on some maps on the TDM mode, when you peak out of cover to shoot someone but can't hit/kill him due to suppression etc. don't peak out from the same corner/place again as he will either be there waiting for you to pop your head back out or will move somewhere else and maybe even try to flank you (not as likely)
- when suppressed, don't try to peak out and kill the guy (for medium/long range) as your aim/accuracy will be crap, just wait till the blur screen goes away
- with tanks, try to shoot them in the back (less armour there) or sides as opposed to the strongest point, the front. iirc, if you shoot them in the back (in a straight line, not from an angle), then it only requires two rockets to destroy the tank (close up that is)
- if in the middle of a firefight up close and you run out of ammo in your main gun, switch immediately to your pistol, much faster that way
Most importantly, learn the maps and where the enemies go, this is so important!

You don't "need" to play with a mic./teamspeak, organised squad etc. to do well, yes it helps, but you can still do damn well by yourself and can help your team out with basic things like revives, med/ammo packs, spotting, typing in chat where the enemy are flanking/what flag they are going to etc.

And a little tip that MANY people aren't aware of, the MAV can do more than just spot, it can also destroy TUGS, radio beacons, SOFLAM and other MAVs (when not moving iirc), lock onto the stuff and left click, I think it can also destroy claymores but not mines. MAV is superb for helping your team out, unfortunately you aren't rewarded that well thus hardly anyone uses it :(

Most of the above can apply with vehicles too.

Main advice I would give for tanks, is to not go racing in like many tank drivers as you will not last long due to either mines, c4 or/and 5 engineer guys spamming you with rockets

As for weapons and unlocks, this is personally my favourite setup:


M16a3, aek (favourite), m416, F2000

With heavy barrel (I use silencer on CQ maps though), foregrip and kobra sight (I find other sights take up too much of the screen plus I don't really like magnified scopes since most of my encounters are close/medium range)


A91, SCAR, mtar, ACW R, M4a1

heavy barrel, foregrip and kobra again


P90, M27, PKP, M5k

Laser sight with the p90 and m5k
Kobra for all
extended mag for m5k and pkp
foregrip with all
heavy barrel for m27


JNG, M98 with 8x scope, straight pull bolt
SKS and Mk11 for auto snipers, foregrip, 4x sight, heavy barrel for the SKS


All depends on the map for me but usually:

- revolver
- G18 suppressed
- M1911 suppressed

Tank loadout:

I don't really use aircraft much so westie etc. can tell you more about them :p

And pretty much what others have said, watch lvlcap etc.

The rest just comes down to your own skill i.e. accuracy, reaction time etc. which will improve the more you play.
Great post there Nexus :)

I actually do a lot of what's listed, but am definitely guilty of some of the bad habits :o.
I think not playing regularly is the main issue and my stats are a bit crappier than they should be due to mates playing with an xbox pad (console guys) and getting raped. They always moan that they can't aim as easy as they can on xbox and I tell them to sort it out and use the KB/M, but nope...
They probably account for at least a quarter of total playing time.

Still, some great tips there! I'll have a go at fixing up.
Need to get in shape for BF4 :D
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