Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Depends mostly, air maps I go tank or jet if 50% vehicle respawn, heli if 100% so I change to 1080p via bf3 editor and inf maps or 8v8 5v5 where I play Inf I just change quickly to 720... always 90 fov tho... even the same fov values look different depending on the resolution..
Have used that weapon + unlocks way too much on CQ maps! :D Absolute beast! When up against good players or/and we are losing badly, that is my go to weapon now :p

Yeah it is pretty slow but the stopping power it has.... :cool: Got so many multi-kills with it tonight. Kind of reminds me of the scar a wee bit.
Ya it's short to med damage is one of the highest in game I think... same as g3a3 I'm pretty sure!

870 + slug and m26 mass = cq God :)
Yup they are quite similar for that sort of range:




Need to use the 870 more often. Haven't even unlocked slugs for it yet! Quite like the M104 for CQ maps.
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When they buffed the UMP (got unbuffed last patch) it was my fav gun in the game. I'd happily take out 4-5 guys on Red stairs metro with it everytime. The M5k was a beast as well but went through ammo so fast you'd only normally get to kill 1-2 per mag.

They have both been heavily nerfed since. I'd suggest anyone who uses Engi, Support and Recon as priumary class to try the AS-Val. Once you have extended mags that thing is deadly at far more ranges than any Engi / Support weapon with pin point accuracy (when standing still)

Edit...Dayum this 720 for Inf feels like cheating. People heads are soo big :D
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The Aug with Heavy Barrel is my Favourite Assault load out at the moment, it has a very fast, thumping round, kills in 3-4 rounds seemingly (Non Hardcore) and has very low predictable recoil...

I refuse to use the M16 these days as its too easy and has a huge stigma attached to its use.....There was a Dutch guy calling everyone noobs the other day, I checked his stats 81,000 M16 kills, what a loser!!! Anyone can kill with that weapon even a blind monkey with no arms.

I was smitten with M249 its fantastic, but I'm getting better accuracy with the M27 these days so will spend quality time with this in support class.

UMP with Halo, silencer and laser, great QC weapon if you get those milliseconds to acquire your target.

I'm praying for a map as good as Talah in BF4 otherwise I'll be sticking with BF3.........................

The As Val is great but it really needs a larger Mag as it runs out of ammo ballistically fast...
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What server do you play on Nexus?

Always on different ones! :p

- try to avoid ones that have loads of tickets
- German and UK servers only
- most game modes, but mainly rush/conquest, team death match and gun master every now and then
- B2k, vanilla, aftermath and CQ maps
- 32, 48 player servers
- non premium
- normal
My mate and I always seem to end up on Essex Rifles Caspian/Kharg/Firestorm 48 player server which gets quite boring. Not sure if its just the time we play but lately finding it very hard to get a server with a nice maplist, decent amount of players and not retardedly high tickets.

Saying that, we are quite fussy with our map choice, happily play Karkland and Aftermath but CQ and Armored Kill are no interest (AK maps would be if you actually were able to keep a consistent 64 player server full but most times its ring around the rosey with the flags). Unfortunately, most servers have a really weird mix of maps and as joining your clan mates squad is very server specific as to whether you actually can we don't bother Quitting and finding another server for another map we want, just to tend to stay on one server for 2-3 maps.
Ferret your UMP loadout makes no sense, or rather it makes some sense but has a conflicting set up. I get the laser for close range and the holo for longer ranges but the silencer kills that guns range down to 5 meters max damage and after 10 meters it does nothing. I get that you wanna run stealthy so maybe use the magnum for longer range enemies or just put flash suppressor on it. Kobra + Laser + Flash is the most best combo for that weapon.

Quick tip for any joining 247..BEWARE, if you leave they will use pics of you on their forum that they refuse to delete :D

Ay club?
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Ferret your UMP loadout makes no sense, or rather it makes some sense but has a conflicting set up. I get the laser for close range and the holo for longer ranges but the silencer kills that guns range down to 5 meters max damage and after 10 meters it does nothing. I get that you wanna run stealthy so maybe use the magnum for longer range enemies or just put flash suppressor on it. Kobra + Laser + Flash is the most best combo for that weapon.

There's a bit More to it than that!!!!

1) Laser is great for close quarter battles especially firing from the hip.
2) Laser Dazzles other combatants often giving a moments delay.
3) Silenced Weapon is Needed in Maps I play if you want to flank and ambush enemy and score multiple kills without giving off a massive sound signature.
4) Halo Sight enables fast and accurate acquisition of target at medium range.
5) If the UMP has G3A3 stopping power in close combat and the silenced characteristics of the suppressed weapons are also similar then its still very powerful.

Makes no Sense, Yes it does...
There's a bit More to it than that!!!!

1) Laser is great for close quarter battles especially firing from the hip.
2) Laser Dazzles other combatants often giving a moments delay.
3) Silenced Weapon is Needed in Maps I play if you want to flank and ambush enemy and score multiple kills without giving off a massive sound signature. ~ Only worth it if you can get within 10 mtrs of people. SO not agree.
4) Halo Sight enables fast and accurate acquisition of target at medium range. ~ Defo not agree. Holo is a slow sight. The Iron sights, RDS and Kobra are quick. Check symthic ;)
5) If the UMP has G3A3 stopping power in close combat and the silenced characteristics of the suppressed weapons are also similar then its still very powerful.

Makes no Sense, Yes it does...

1) agree
2) agree
3) Only worth it if you can get within 10 mtrs of people. SO not agree.
4) Defo not agree. Holo is a slow sight. The Iron sights, RDS and Kobra are quick. Check symthic, the Holo is as slow as the 3.4 scopes.
5) Which you nerf. The G3 even without HB does 30+ to over 25mtrs. The UMP does 30+ damage with Suppressor for up to 8mtrs.
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