They are just decent pub stompers.
Although rival and level are the better players out of the youtube community and certainly better than most of the average players out there.
Other ones like matimo aren't that good at all imo.
It is funny though how most people think that they are the "best" players ever...... Of course when they pick public servers, work in a 4 man squad with teamspeak (you will notice that when levelcap is uploading videos of himself playing, he only really plays team death match), play a few rounds and pick the best one to upload then they will look really good, it is like all these "awesome montages" on youtube where you have snipers posting all their kills together but in reality, they probably get one kill every 5-10 minutes and miss about 10 times
There tips etc. videos are great though especially levelcaps.
It's ridiculous. I would have thought the PC platform would be a more mature crowd and the kids would stick with consoles. Apparently not.
Indeed! TBH the BF community are terrible these days and are actually probably worse than the COD community now
One guy on youtube has stopped making BF 3 videos due to the amount of "abuse" he got all because he was more of a COD player on the console
Stupid how he stopped playing all because of the community though, if anything I would have continued to make more videos in order to annoy them even further
Don't know why the players are so whiny in the chat box for this game. Don't remember the BC 2 players being anywhere as bad as this.
I really hope they have implemented a "mute" option for every player in BF 4.
Ive still got a lot of playtime left of BF3 before I move on to BF4. I'm only 28 hours in! I havent even played on half the maps yet
Unfortunately it is hard finding servers that rotate most of the maps instead you're are stuck with loads of servers only playing 1-3 maps, 1000/2000 tickets and instant vehicle spawn etc.
Only decent servers these days seem to be essex rifles, TE and most of the CQ servers.
My favourite maps would be:
- all the aftermath and CQ maps
- caspian border
- grand bazaar
- norshar canals
The rest are just okay but not "great" imo.