Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Yeah kharg rush is complete chaos (and this is just with 32/48 players! :D), especially with the first base, when defending I always make sure I put a soflam high up and manually control it and spot like mad, makes it a lot easier for the defender team.
Yeah kharg rush is complete chaos (and this is just with 32/48 players! :D), especially with the first base, when defending I always make sure I put a soflam high up and manually control it and spot like mad, makes it a lot easier for the defender team.

I find a MAV is better for that, the soflam is easily spotted because of the laser, a mav in my experience anyway will usually last much longer before its spotted whereas the soflam laser is like a massive bulls eye.
Very true but you can't target designate/lock on to all the vehicles, if you have a good amount of jav. users, tanks and boats won't even make it to the beach :p

The good thing about those place down items is that they are hard to destroy especially with normal gun fire, if you place them in such a way on the hill so that it isn't completely exposed, the enemy team will have a very hard time destroying it.

Thankfully the majority of players don't seem to know that the MAV can destroy soflams, tugs, stationary mavs :p
Very true but you can't target designate/lock on to all the vehicles, if you have a good amount of jav. users, tanks and boats won't even make it to the beach :p

The good thing about those place down items is that they are hard to destroy especially with normal gun fire, if you place them in such a way on the hill so that it isn't completely exposed, the enemy team will have a very hard time destroying it.

Thankfully the majority of players don't seem to know that the MAV can destroy soflams, tugs, stationary mavs :p

In the servers I played on it was rare that anyone even had a soflam deployed so most stuck with the slow motion mode rgp's. =/

Uninstalled for the last few weeks anyway in anticipation of a hopefully better game with bf4. :)
Yeah hardly anyone bothers with it due to how unrewarding it is, when I spend the entire match at the first base spotting and designating everything and come in near the very bottom of my team :/

Will probably be uninstalling BF 3 next Sunday night.....
Yeah hardly anyone bothers with it due to how unrewarding it is, when I spend the entire match at the first base spotting and designating everything and come in near the very bottom of my team :/

Will probably be uninstalling BF 3 next Sunday night.....

Uninstall it now takes a while for the bad taste to disappear :p
I've been being silly, playing for achievements (50 PDW kills, 50 shotgun kills etc). It's quite fun and I'm bad enough that it barely alters my scoreline. Amazing how much it angers some players if you kill them with something other than an M16.

I unlocked the crossbow last night, and proceeded to REALLY ANNOY a lot of people on nosehair canals TDM. Particularly satifying was the guy who took the time to type out "FFS xbow loser, use a real weapon noob".

I immediately killed him from across the map through pure fluke, and it was the kill that put me above him on the scoreboard.

It's a small thing, but it made me happy.
Thank the lord, will you also be stopping QQing on here?

I've had it uninstalled for about a month now, and if BF4 has similar issues you can expect them to be discussed at length as well, if you don't like it then simply don't comment on the issue, last I checked that is an option on a forum, instead of trying and failing miserably at being a smartarse. Unlike you I don't live in some sort of fantasy land where the obvious issues with the game magically don't exist, they do and they're a problem, the sooner you accept that the better. :)

BF3 is resigned to the bin, and BF4 is now getting a chance. And with some luck dice haven't continued with the pathetic "Airpower > all" gameplay of BF3.
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Plz, you rage about things that are easy to counter. There are massive issues with this game which I acknowledge, but if you think the heli rape is bad in BF3, just wait for BF4 with that kick ass Little Bird, then people will really be raging.
Plz, you rage about things that are easy to counter. There are massive issues with this game which I acknowledge, but if you think the heli rape is bad in BF3, just wait for BF4 with that kick ass Little Bird, then people will really be raging.

We really don't know that though since we've not played it, some played the pre alpha but id expect there been a lot of changes made since then. I'm keeping an open mind and seeing what dice can deliver, I just hope they've learned some lessons from bf3 and changed things accordingly. If I don't like the "beta" then I won't get the full game so you won't see me "raging" about it in the BF4 thread. :p
I don't mind the choppers and jets :) I can't personally use them at all though.

I like nothing more than taking out a chopper or jet with an rpg when they are something silly like 40-0. I might die 10 times trying but it's mighty satisfying when you do get them!
Got kicked and banned from a server yesterday for a score of 21-5 on conquest canals... Was in Jet and even when shooting the Heli they just carried on trying to shoot ground targets and accused me of hacking every time I killed them. Got bored of the 'Hacker' insults so was relieved when the admin came on, slightly less so when he took the other guys side as my KDR looked 'suspicious'! Really hate people on this game sometimes heh!

That said i'm probably one of those dodgy looking people having just 4 hours playtime (only just got my own acct/comp) and being pretty handy in a Jet.
Got kicked and banned from a server yesterday for a score of 21-5 on conquest canals... Was in Jet and even when shooting the Heli they just carried on trying to shoot ground targets and accused me of hacking every time I killed them. Got bored of the 'Hacker' insults so was relieved when the admin came on, slightly less so when he took the other guys side as my KDR looked 'suspicious'! Really hate people on this game sometimes heh!

That said i'm probably one of those dodgy looking people having just 4 hours playtime (only just got my own acct/comp) and being pretty handy in a Jet.

That's not even a suspicious score? I've done 29-5 on Firestorm without even getting in a vehicle!
Some of those, especially the sniper shots are dodgy as **** Westie. No indicators, nothing on the map yet he gets a headshot? Smacks of an aimbot mate.


hope ur being sarcastic its TDM on noshar canals and people spawn.. camp there all the time its just pure luck
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