Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Have to admit that 3 or 4 of those kills were either VERY lucky or some form of an aimbot/wallhack, main ones being:

- killing the pilot with out zooming in plus no hit markers (personally I haven't ever had this happen to me so unless it is rare glitch/bug with recon/snipers?)
- 2 kills through a fence with no possible way of seeing them physically or on the mini map
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MissChief and Nexus...rly? Facepalm.

Yeah they had some lucky kills, if you record all your gameplay footage I am sure you will have some "haxy" shots too, I know all my best kills I wasn't blooming recording at the time. Went ham on metro the other day with a m40 with a 70% headshot kill ratio, even I thought I was hacking, if only I could play like that all the time :(

Z11 Pilot he used euro hip fire on which you can do with sniper rifles (essentially quickscoping) and the one's through the fence, well I imagine he heard them as we don't see any spots. It's TDM, hell fire in a random direction and you'll prob get a hitmarker :D
Real pro's C4 paradrop on TDM canals and then get kicked for such usage because they didn't read the rules first :'(

Also when playing 5vs5 on Metro..when going to C4 the locker wall by red stairs, don't be an idiot like I was last night standing there with mortar in hand realising I may have wanted to check my loadout before spawning. If I'd had C4 I would have killed 3 guys, as it was I got killed by them looking like a right noob standing there with my mortar out.
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MissChief and Nexus...rly? Facepalm.

Yeah they had some lucky kills, if you record all your gameplay footage I am sure you will have some "haxy" shots too,....

In the time i've played bf3 i've had some stupid kills. I once shot at a heli and an enemy airplane flew across the patch of the shot straight into my tank shell :D

For other shots, hell put enough shells in the air and objects will fall :D

Shooting through objects is down to hearing people plus the fact that on most maps there are always places that people hide in.
Ok people, no negativity here, let's put some of our fav things from BF3 that we'll miss.

For me it's the As-Val as it's not going to be in BF4. I have been doing some serious destruction with this gun recently, with accuracy somewhere between 20-30% depending on map. It is possibly the most lethal gun for medium ranges in HC. Unlike any suppressed weapon the damage drop off is insignificant with the As-Val, only goes down to 18.5, plus you don't show on the minimap. Oh yeah and if you equip this gun with mortar or use it when you tank / heli, your mortar/ vehicle doesn't show on the minimap when you fire which is always nice :D

M16A3, couldn't do without it on BF3. Has it's faults but it really is a great all round gun.

G3A3, the Caspian connoisseurs weapon of choice. That damage hermigawd and then you use it on HC and drop everyone with 2 shots :D
Ok so I just got origin and installed bf3 after I moved into my new house after getting it in the humble bundle ages ago, are there any expansions that are worth getting seeing they are half price?

I know bf4 is a month away but I'm going to give it an extra month to get over the bugs and launch issues. I'm never preordering again after the mess that was rome 2 total war.
run round try noscopeing a period of time and getting the feel you can pull off dodgy looking shots. also a lot of people pre fire well known camp spots so to a laymen it looks dodgy but its just standard game awareness.
Will miss my m416 - even if its in bf4 it will never be the same.

Will miss the aftermath maps, they were a welcome surprise
It is funny how weapons behave in different generations of games from dice. Take the UMP 45 in bfbc2, it was a very powerful weapon, yet in bf3 it was very underpowered.
Alpha and indeed beta had the best weapon characteristics in bf3 for me. Once released though, dice went way too far with the nerfing/buffing of certain weapons instead of concentrating on a few really annoying core elements of the game. I enjoyed bf3 to an extent, but it never held the same allure for me as bfbc2. The so called console game which for me is vastly superior.
Some guns were way OP before they balanced (and then balanced again). The MP-5 is a good example. It used to be like a laser. Almost zero recoil and decent damage.
The ump is devastating in CQ combat! :D Can rip through 2-3 people with ease whilst firing from the hip, love it!

I find it to be pretty damn good for medium range too.

Was never that fussed on it in bc 2, for me the best weapon was the VSS, similar to the as val in bf 3 but better, that weapon combined with motion balls, c4 + the ghille suit = silent but deadly! (in hc mode)

Had some fun rounds earlier, should have seen the hackusations :rolleyes:


and as usual, my score was nothing special either......

Please let there be a "mute" option for players in bf4, able to mute the opposite team or/and everything except your squad......

As for what will I miss in BF 3, tbh can't really think of much to list :p :o

Am sure that there will be a similar weapon to the as val in bf 4 or it will be available with an expansion pack.......

Will miss the CQ + aftermath maps though.
As much as i'm excited about BF4, im afraid the same things that annoyed us (as serveradmin and as player) won't have changed at all.

****** backend servers will still be there and clientside hitreg.

And the worst is we are not even told yet what hosts will be allowed to provide BF4, which is just taking the **** for any serverowner 1 month up front.

And Dice just refusing to respond to all the posts on Battleslut, twitter, reddit etc etc is just a poor show once again.

But hey at least the game looks good from the videos ive seen.
they'll be doing the back handers with server groups so multiplay being biggest and giving the best back handers . once they received them they'll give out the details :D
if they have the deal you will or you wont have bf4 servers. those that have complied done deals will have bf4 servers those that dont wont.
if they have the deal you will or you wont have bf4 servers. those that have complied done deals will have bf4 servers those that dont wont.

My head hurts DG. Punctuation mate ;)

Yes apparently some hosts are no longer able to provide BF servers. Shocking tbh and typical EA. I am sure EA's new CEO vowed to provide better customer service - or maybe I read what I wanted to read.

If BF4 wasn't going to be the title of 2013 and my clan weren't going to rape it, I'd avoid it like the plague

Die EA CEO, just die.
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