Battlefield 4 - Performance FIXES Thread (Good or Bad)

yeah closed it down made link, closed all explorer windows and then reloaded origin.
Doenst give me a play button just a download one :(

I'm symlinking the BF4 folder only

you'll need to start the download first, it will realise the folders there, do a check and finish.

Btw, perfoverlay.drawfps 1 isn't working for me now... Anyone?

will check tonight if no one has come back before, was working ok for me a couple of nights ago, but i removed the user.cfg file with it in to see how the patches did.
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will check tonight if no one has come back before, was working ok for me a couple of nights ago, but i removed the user.cfg file with it in to see how the patches did.

Put the user.cfg back in, back up the old one. Delete nearly all the entries in the new user.cfg and just keep the perfoverlay.drawfps 1 thingy.

Simples :)
bf4 showing how well its scaled for 8 cores :p,3634-10.html

i5s struggling as normal. lol

Frame time variance is very interesting though...

however that benchmark is pointless as the benches are on servers with no other players...

"For this reason, we performed our measurements on servers with low 40 ms-or-less latencies and no other players. Populated servers are likely to exact more demanding CPU loads. However, we needed to eliminate this variable from our testing. The good news is that, when we compared our numbers to runs on servers with more people on them, frame rates didn't change noticeably." - Yes pull the other one : /
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Will have to wait for the full game to release, but if you think about it logically, an i7 is JUST an i5, with software enabled cores. Pointing out the obvious, but I think people forget this. It is NOT a octo core cpu. The computer will not touch the other 4 software cores, until the 4 real cores are saturated. Even then the other 4 do not compare in IPC to the 4 real ones.

And the AMD CPU, fine, they are a little more real octo cores than the Intel's but the IPC of the i5, will still pull it in to contention in game which are optimised for AMD hardware.
Will have to wait for the full game to release, but if you think about it logically, an i7 is JUST an i5, with software enabled cores. Pointing out the obvious, but I think people forget this. It is NOT a octo core cpu. The computer will not touch the other 4 software cores, until the 4 real cores are saturated. Even then the other 4 do not compare in IPC to the 4 real ones.

And the AMD CPU, fine, they are a little more real octo cores than the Intel's but the IPC of the i5, will still pull it in to contention in game which are optimised for AMD hardware.


Thats not what reputable benchmarks show.

An i7 is just an i5 with 4 software enable cores, which get utilised when the cpu has spare cpu cycles. Windows can tell the difference between the real cores and the HT cores prefering to go for the real ones first ALWAYS as they have greater IPC. The HT cores run on these real cores anyway, so in no way shape or form are i7's octo core chips. They are 4 core chips which CAN run 8 threads concurrently.
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Mine was really good before the last two patches, it's just good now. I've noticed fps dropping a bit more, overall feels worse but still plays well.

Win 8.1, I5 2500K @ 4.4ghz, 8gb and GTX 680 2gb.
bf4 showing how well its scaled for 8 cores :p,3634-10.html

i5s struggling as normal. lol


On a serious note Games running much better for me now. Still only playing on medium everything AA off and HBAO and SSAO both off as thats kills my frames.
Using a 2500k and 580gtx on windowns 7, Game is running in a playable state. Still not good enough but a step in the right direction. The stutters every 5 seconds that lead to huge spikes seems to have charmed down. With the GPU/CPU graph I can still see it occurring. But much less than previous.
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Don't be silly it was a very useful benchmark for CPU empty server :D

it was useful it shows similar performance to other benchmarks posted. therefor showing what performance you can expect validated by numerous benchmarks showing same data.

also shows that that the game doesn't perform any better with 4 or 8 cores like people keep saying. which is one of the Amd hopes with the new consoles. amd 8 cores still 10 percent down on i5s.

people just assume because the new consoles have 8 cores all or most will be coded to use them they wont plain and simple and your better off for probably at least the next 2 years minimum with better architecture which = intel.

only reason the amd chips were used for consoles over intel = price.
will check tonight if no one has come back before, was working ok for me a couple of nights ago, but i removed the user.cfg file with it in to see how the patches did.

Oops, I just realised I was trying to get the drawgraph overlay up, not fps. Didn't stop me from repeatedly typing perfoverlay.drawfps 1 though :o
Hey, it was late and I was slightly drunk... :p
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