Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Hey Larry , if you wanna use that pld for locking up targets i'll get on teamspeak with ya and bring my lock on missiles to the party. If you wanna rank up your sniper im happy to help. I've got my own teamspeak rented which anyone is welcome to use anytime , its an 8 slot which is more than enough for a squad to use. Just post if youre interested and I'll let you have the details. I dont use it at night as the missus is a light sleeper.

Thanks mate I never used chat in any form before so its all new to me.
Finding myself less and less compelled to play this - just lacking that 1-2 really good maps to pull me in - siege is alright even quite fun until the tower comes down then its just meh (not to mention most people crash out when that happens), paracel looks nice but unless your working with a good squad its clunky to play and you spend more time trying to move about the map than anything else, operation locker tends to turn into a massive bottleneck in some game modes though can (sometimes) be quite fun in bigger tdm games, flood zone has horrid movement flow and only really any good for very specific objective modes, the rest are very very average maps (nothing hugely wrong, nothing hugely right).
Playing now for the first time, total newb to BF4 but I was awesome at BC2. Anyone want to play? Ahleckz is my name on battlelog.
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Anyone know what maps are going to be in the China Rising DLC?

Hopefully Daqing Oilfield and Dragon Valley will make a return. The maps in this release are pretty garbage.
if you want to see mortaring master join me later for the rage of the server as they shout for bans :D

little tip on hc you cant see crosshair use the players icon as your cross hair in the middle. so line up the orange player marker exactly in middle of screen and spam quick.

Just go into a normal server, use the mortar and stick some thing on your screen where the crosshair is, like some blue tac. Then go to hardcore and enjoy spamming mortars everywhere.
UPDATE #8 (Nov 12):
Client patch (PC)
The PC client patch for Battlefield 4 will go live in the near future and fixes a number of different issues you have helped us to identify, including a number of the most common crashes and freezes. We will get back to you with a full fix list and a specific date for this update soon.

Maintenance downtime (All platforms)
Nov 13, we have a planned maintenance starting at 9AM UTC/1AM PST. The maintenance will last for 2-3 hours and multiplayer for Battlefield 4 will be unavailable on all platforms in increments during this window. This maintenance is done in preparation for the upcoming client patches.

Upcoming Live Scoreboard (PC)
We will introduce Live Scoreboards in the PC server browser on Battlelog in the upcoming days. It will let you see the current status in the ongoing round on a server before you join, such as the number of remaining targets in a round of Obliteration. We will be able to give you specific date on this feature soon.

I thought the live scoreboard was working after the R8 patch? :confused:

DICE making it up as they go along.
Decided to try recon so I could unlock the DMR's, and I swear I can't hit a thing with the sniper rifle. So many shots just seem to miss even though they should hit.
Do you just have to lead your target by a fair bit or what.
I may resort to just using the shotguns to unlock the DMR's though I hear they aren't really worth unlocking.
Yeh I joined in on one of them, apposing team though which was a shame. Particularly with you two topping the board on that team and nailing me a few times each :D

Good game though, down to 7 tickets wasn't it?!

aye the bugger beat me to top spot that round grrrrrr

yeah it was a close game, seems that when its close it can turn around pretty quickly, and you just have to hope people stop respawning :(

Decided to try recon so I could unlock the DMR's, and I swear I can't hit a thing with the sniper rifle. So many shots just seem to miss even though they should hit.
Do you just have to lead your target by a fair bit or what.

would love to know the answer to this as i can't git a sodding thing either, i tried the target range, but that didnt show the bullet trail like in game, and i could hit stuff so not sure what i'm doing wrong :confused:
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Decided to try recon so I could unlock the DMR's, and I swear I can't hit a thing with the sniper rifle. So many shots just seem to miss even though they should hit.
Do you just have to lead your target by a fair bit or what.
I may resort to just using the shotguns to unlock the DMR's though I hear they aren't really worth unlocking.

Lead on the target depends on the bullet velocity of the gun. Personally, it was easier to rack the points up by laser designating targets and spotting (motion detector is good for this in close quarter maps).

I like DMRs myself although they need a bit of a boost in power IMO.
Decided to try recon so I could unlock the DMR's, and I swear I can't hit a thing with the sniper rifle. So many shots just seem to miss even though they should hit.
Do you just have to lead your target by a fair bit or what.
I may resort to just using the shotguns to unlock the DMR's though I hear they aren't really worth unlocking.

yea it's a bit odd, usually takes me a few shots to gauge the lead I need to have...get a hit marker and then by that point they dive behind cover ... :( boo!!!!!!

also the bipod is rubbish..... it's just like the battlefield friends where I go prone and try to deploy ....*swings....nope* :p
Decided to try recon so I could unlock the DMR's, and I swear I can't hit a thing with the sniper rifle. So many shots just seem to miss even though they should hit.
Do you just have to lead your target by a fair bit or what.
I may resort to just using the shotguns to unlock the DMR's though I hear they aren't really worth unlocking.

For longer range shots you need to both lead and compensate for bullet drop (the PLD works as a range finder so you can get a feel for it).

That said given how many other fundemental mechanics seem to have been implemented with a "its mostly working that will do" attitude I'm guessing they haven't properly backwards compensated for player movement when doing hit detection on fast moving projectiles hence the high number of hit registry issues compared to games that use hitscan for bullets instead. (With hitscan you trace through the entire bullet path in one server tick with the bullets in BF4 being modelled as projectiles its position could be one side of a player in one server tick and the other side of the player in the next without ever actually hitting a player inside an update which needs extra handling to check for hit detection that would have happened between server updates).
you get a range finder unlock ;)

also the later snipers like the srr and the 338 you do need much altering they are deadly. so use the first sniper until you unlock one of those.

My thoughts entirely, i've taken down 2 other helicopters and some infantry, but missed so many other kills.

I've been taking down tanks and all sorts in the littlebird type thing.

It is massively better once you get the upgraded primary gun mind :)
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