Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Played last night and crashed CONSTANTLY on Operation Locker (as well as insane lag and rubber-banding). Got sick of it after a while and now I really CBA to play this until we get the game patched to a shippable state. Really REALLY miss BF3 (even though BF4 isn't bad at all).

I had a problem joining the 24/7 Operation Lockdown TFU server. The server kept timing out when i was trying to join, i then tried their mixed maps Conquest server and i got in fine, then i went to the other server and i managed to get in, then i experienced rubber-banding, but it did disappear later on in the evening and i managed to experience some decent rounds.
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780 Classified arriving in a couple of days, can't wait for some Ultra goodness :D

Should be a huge boost, coming from a 560ti :o

TBh I turned settings down to high for MP from Ultra, cannot notice the difference in all honesty at 1440p. It's the difference between getting a constant 70+ fps or 55+.
Was just about to say the same thing... does look like invisible wall from the destruction of the building he's in... but then again after some videos I've seen could just be the netcode :)

had an interesting one last night, was on siege and went up the lift to the roof top between D & E (conquest large). I cleared out a few snipers but the lift went down wih no friendlies about so I decided to camp it....lay prone aiming at the doors from the side....lame but oh well :p

so two enemies pop out from the lift and I open fire with my bullets flying...pretty much insta impact with something infront of me....guessing it bugged and somehow thought my gun was in the floor? did no damage, but I also took none (might have been his bad aim xD ). jumped up and then dropped them both :p this like this annoy me.
Am I just not seeing it, or is there no way to filter servers regarding HC. I don't really wanna play HC at the moment but cannot seem to find a way to filter it out of server list.
Am I just not seeing it, or is there no way to filter servers regarding HC. I don't really wanna play HC at the moment but cannot seem to find a way to filter it out of server list.

Off by heart.

Drop down button next to the server refresh button, then there is another one further down.

Vague description i know.
Whats the fastest way to level Engineer? I've got both support and assault maxed by spamming packs at everyone, but engineer seems harder to get points.

I've been raking up the points by sitting in the side of a little bird, reppin' and firing rpg's out the side xD

can really start to clock up the points if you're continuously taking heatseaker fire ;) not to mention feeling like a boss when you rpg/guided rocket/whatever something from the side of a heli :D

may not be the fastest way but is fun and the little bird pilot will really appreciate it :)

oh yea....also was a bit of a whore with the air burst on siege....I've just found it such a useful thing to run with....usually as support I'm running about on the ground so it really helps to take down those pesky rooftop campers....or from the other way, I was in a transport heli and we were trying to take C flag on the roof but there were loads of infantry up there, we got pretty close to the lifts and I let rip from the hip and must have gotten 3-4 kills and a good few kill assists too xD serves them right for all being within about 3m of eachother running around and around the lift lol
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Unlocked the ACE 21 carbine yesterday. Feels harder to use than the AK-5C because of the recoil, but for some reason I prefer it, feels more satisfying to use and get kills with.
Decided to take the day off work today, with full pay (perks of being company director teehee) to play this, only to find MP is down until 12pm. Fail.

Trying to unlock Carbines for engineer/recon class, even with HC it is taking ages, mainly because recon class refuse to mark vehicles for my LAW :(
I'm loving the AEK still. harder to control than bf3, but it sounds so much more beast :D love the ironsights as well. it is a pain even bursting long range tho
BTW these invisible walls are a right pain. I was playing a night time city map last night, get to a skyscraper, get the lift up, jump off and parachute onto lower building... perfect view of 4/6 flags, RPG tanks... invisible wall halfway down the highway, yet doesn't seem to affect the tank shell coming at me... sigh.
BTW these invisible walls are a right pain. I was playing a night time city map last night, get to a skyscraper, get the lift up, jump off and parachute onto lower building... perfect view of 4/6 flags, RPG tanks... invisible wall halfway down the highway, yet doesn't seem to affect the tank shell coming at me... sigh.

the guy who did the models or made the maps in their level editor obviously got a bit lazy and not made the collision boxes the correct size :o
Unlocked the ACE 21 carbine yesterday. Feels harder to use than the AK-5C because of the recoil, but for some reason I prefer it, feels more satisfying to use and get kills with.

The best gun I have ever used in a computer game was COD4's AK47. Beast of a gun but was also as hard to handle as frisky mule!
Only bug I keep getting is sometimes I lose sound, occasionally it is totally sometimes just vehicle noises or gunfire. Really annoying anyway.
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