Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~


Now what have they done! lol

I'm at work, can see BL, but the stats engine is up and down. Obviously cant join/play.
Does anyone who admins a server know if the procon in game add in for move/kick/ban is working? I was trying to get it to work last night and whilst it said in the chat box it was doing things nothing happened.
TBh I turned settings down to high for MP from Ultra, cannot notice the difference in all honesty at 1440p. It's the difference between getting a constant 70+ fps or 55+.

playing on lowest is actually better tbh , I find playing on ultra is too distracting and annoying with the stupid glare affects obscuring your view in a lot of cases
Unlocked the ACE 21 carbine yesterday. Feels harder to use than the AK-5C because of the recoil, but for some reason I prefer it, feels more satisfying to use and get kills with.

Not liking the Ace 21 out of the carbines. The spread seems to be off, need to try with compensator but then the long range accuracy will probably be pants. Lower damage doesn't seem to make up for is general 'ease' of use.
Not liking the Ace 21 out of the carbines. The spread seems to be off, need to try with compensator but then the long range accuracy will probably be pants. Lower damage doesn't seem to make up for is general 'ease' of use.

Never apply what BLog says about guns or attachments are a truism. Basically guns stats on BLog is some guy just putting randoms numbers on with no real meaning.

ACE21 is a super accurate gun even at range. The compensator is better than a naked barrel, but NEVER use muzzle break and use micro bursts of 2 bullets for maximum effect (hard science not my opinion).

How you doing anyway Yurka / Helier, been a while.
Unlocked the ACE 21 carbine yesterday. Feels harder to use than the AK-5C because of the recoil, but for some reason I prefer it, feels more satisfying to use and get kills with.

I've found it feels like a bb gun compared to the ACE 52. The 52 has lower ROF, accuracy and velocity but its just a beast short/medium range.
Never apply what BLog says about guns or attachments are a truism. Basically guns stats on BLog is some guy just putting randoms numbers on with no real meaning.

ACE21 is a super accurate gun even at range. The compensator is better than a naked barrel, but NEVER use muzzle break and use micro bursts of 2 bullets for maximum effect (hard science not my opinion).

How you doing anyway Yurka / Helier, been a while.

I'm good thanks, yourself? Been anyway from BF for quite some time so enjoying messing around with new guns. Been busy with the standard stuff...

Will need to try the ACE some more, but preferring the AKU burst. Not sure if the symthic calcs are right yet, as their TTK have the AK12 as top dog on ARs... I'd have thought it would be FAMAS/AEK/M16A4 however whether they take into account spread and % chance of hit within their spread area I dunno...

I quite like the burst guns as it limits your shots as I tend to deplete my ammo pretty quickly. However, giving your guns a decent run in will give you a fairer picture, as your KPM stats on BL will show you what you're better with.
I'm good thanks, yourself? Been anyway from BF for quite some time so enjoying messing around with new guns. Been busy with the standard stuff...

Will need to try the ACE some more, but preferring the AKU burst. Not sure if the symthic calcs are right yet, as their TTK have the AK12 as top dog on ARs... I'd have thought it would be FAMAS/AEK/M16A4 however whether they take into account spread and % chance of hit within their spread area I dunno...

I quite like the burst guns as it limits your shots as I tend to deplete my ammo pretty quickly. However, giving your guns a decent run in will give you a fairer picture, as your KPM stats on BL will show you what you're better with.

Yeah great mate, I have not been busy so loads of time for BF :D

Unfortunately those stats for the AK-12 are off atm. It' s had it's burst limited to 750RPM now. However the AKU carbine is still @ 1000rpm on burst / beast mode.
Still holding off, judging by this thread the game still sounds very buggy, is it really still that bad?

I couldn't play it the week of release but it's now fine for me however I do get the missing sounds glitch occasional, mainly on the dam map. I was struggling at first with the carbines but I'm now really doing well with the AK5c
Still holding off, judging by this thread the game still sounds very buggy, is it really still that bad?

Some people are having a hard time, some aren't anymore. So long as i avoid Siege of Shanghai, i'm fine. However, some people can barely play a round.
Never apply what BLog says about guns or attachments are a truism. Basically guns stats on BLog is some guy just putting randoms numbers on with no real meaning.

ACE21 is a super accurate gun even at range. The compensator is better than a naked barrel, but NEVER use muzzle break and use micro bursts of 2 bullets for maximum effect (hard science not my opinion).

How you doing anyway Yurka / Helier, been a while.

Why don't you like Muzzle breaks? You say to avoid them on every gun, are they really that bad?

What would you use for the ACE 21/ACE 52? grip&a52=Angled/Folding grip

I've found it feels like a bb gun compared to the ACE 52. The 52 has lower ROF, accuracy and velocity but its just a beast short/medium range.

May give the ACE 52 a try later too, but was loving the ACE 21, not sure why exactly, just felt good to use.
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