Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Lol that guy is bad...

Also running and gunning in this game really messes with bullet spread and accuracy compared to bf3.

But that end few seconds was funny tho I've never had anything like that before.
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At 1.48, thats incredibly similair to a vid Dg posted from bf3 a while back. A full mag from assault rifle, no kill eventually having to draw a pistol, (quite a few shots from it too) to finally get the kill. Mine isnt as bad as that mind. Playing just now and it was going pretty well. Just need to settle on a decent weapon for engi class. Dont like the AK5C at all.
same, one of the 33k score rounds earlier didnt crash but i just didnt get any exp or unlocks =/ battlereport showed up fine in battlelog tho

Does the in-game scoreboard include bonus exp? I keep seeing myself being 3rd/4th in-game but then in battlelog im placed higher

That's because people skip the results then quit which boosts you up the results if you wait to see the ribbons.
I'm wondering if it's an invisible wall due to being in close proximity to a damaged object?

Possibly. I had a similar thing happen to me a few days back on Shanghai. I tried to shoot someone who had just come up in an elevator as soon as the doors opened but nothing registered. He too was shooting at me and nothing happened so I can only assume that the server still believed the doors were shut. It wasn't until he came out that we could hit each other.
I'm wondering if it's an invisible wall due to being in close proximity to a damaged object?

Was just about to say the same thing... does look like invisible wall from the destruction of the building he's in... but then again after some videos I've seen could just be the netcode :)
Deviating from netcode for a second - does anyone know if it's possible to stop people from getting in the artillery when you're using (firing) it? People getting in and driving off is annoying to say the least.
Was just about to say the same thing... does look like invisible wall from the destruction of the building he's in... but then again after some videos I've seen could just be the netcode :)

On operation locker theres quite a few bits where walls are made up of lattice style construction that you can see players through but bullets won't hit them and/or bullets will only go through from one side :( as well as on other maps all the invisible walls around destroyed buildings - seen a couple of instances of people inside the wreckage of a building who could shoot outwards but were immune to incoming fire.

1min 48secs

Not mine ;)

Wow I think he had super high sens but stil that bit at the end if bad. I think that is lag and nothing to do wih hit reg.

I use BT openzone WiFi until my proper internet is installed, at one point last night my ping climbed t 399 and I was invincible / couldn't kill anything and was warping all over the map on my screen, I wasn't on my friends screen.
not saying this will definitely work
since release I had 0 crashes or errors. using AMD 13.11 Beta 8
but 3 nights ago I changed some settings on the video tab

0 AA > 2X AA
Post Processing: High to None
Vsync ON > OFF

then I experienced crashes per round.

I reverted them one by one back
Turning off AA reduced my crashes by around 20%
Turning on sync Fixed them entirely

might be unrelated but for me this works

i7 33770k @ 4.6
16GB ram
R9 280X Vapor
Having the in-game vsync turned on induces mouse lag/acceleration type lag tho... even with radeonpro setting frames render ahead to 1 or 0, it's still there. Only way is to use a frame limiter and have vsync off...

I was having client crashes on monday only (no other day in past week). And had 1 pc crash last night which required a hard reboot.
Overclocks in bios didnt reset tho which indicates it's not an overclock issue. It happened end of round at round transition. I do alt tab allot which may also be a cause.
Played last night and crashed CONSTANTLY on Operation Locker (as well as insane lag and rubber-banding). Got sick of it after a while and now I really CBA to play this until we get the game patched to a shippable state. Really REALLY miss BF3 (even though BF4 isn't bad at all).
The only settings i've seen that cause performance problems are V-Sync, Effects and MSAA, everything else doesn't really cause FPS to fluctuate too much when they are turned down.
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