Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

helmets dont protect you from bullets in real life! few lucky people get away with it but generally it would go right through (even little pistol rounds depending on the distance)

anyhoo seemed to crash less now, its not such a bad game when it works, still not liking the incosistant hit-reg at times (i still swear its down to the servers being run on servers that are too slow) constantly see an enemy, start shooting him then get like a speed up effect where he turns round and nails you in 1 shot

but then ive had this problem since bad company 2 :(
helmets dont protect you from bullets in real life! few lucky people get away with it but generally it would go right through (even little pistol rounds depending on the distance)

anyhoo seemed to crash less now, its not such a bad game when it works, still not liking the incosistant hit-reg at times (i still swear its down to the servers being run on servers that are too slow) constantly see an enemy, start shooting him then get like a speed up effect where he turns round and nails you in 1 shot

but then ive had this problem since bad company 2 :(


Read my last post. They work a treat and work more often than you know!
Do you know how long it goes for?

dunno if it's actually on, just speculation of a friend I think. might be on the battlelog calender? so not sure sorry :p

Someone has to step up, my rage has spanned generations of games, I broke a few monitors and keyboard playing UO and CS :p

wooo UO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

This is always why I like to spend lots of money on my computer bits.... because if I rage and want to hit/throw something I'll look at my monitors and think....."hummmm well I don;t fancy spending that much again...." and wander off till I find something cheaper/ my door xD same with my keyboard xD when I had a rubbish one I was always beating down on it...resulting in loss of keys etc etc... but now I have a mechanical one I look at it... then hit off to the side of it xD

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Wow :eek: that one hit headshot bug is damn annoying and most likely is the reason for all the trades + insta deaths.

Not a wonder so many people are posting in the chatbox about cheaters/aimbots as that would give the impression of people using aimbots!

Wonder how long till DICE fix that....... :rolleyes:
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Wow. Where did this happen? A bullet of that cal straight on an its light out, game over.

Herrick 11, somewhere in Sangin. But yes, very lucky! I though someone had simply hit me on the head to hurry me up but then as I was running to the next casualty my lid fell off as the chin strap was torn off!

I've found a new love for the shotguns. Absolute brutal once you get the slugs.
Helmets are designed to deflect bullets and absorb energy from shapnel. A well designed Kevlar helmet can move the ballistic off centre and change the bullet path maybe just enough to prevent a fatal head wound. They certainy can't stop large caliber rounds from assault rifles at close range. But surely if a ballistic vest can stop a 9mm so too will a heavy kevlar helmet?

Any Military Personnel on here?
Wow :eek: that one hit headshot bug is damn annoying and most likely is the reason for all the trades + insta deaths.

Not a wonder so many people are posting in the chatbox about cheaters/aimbots as that would give the impression of people using aimbots!

Wonder how long till DICE fix that....... :rolleyes:

I think that a head shot should be rewarded with a fatality m8. It will encourage better markmanship.

Its basically the equiviant of a bullseye in darts and instant death should follow lol.
Helmets are designed to deflect bullets and absorb energy from shapnel. A well designed Kevlar helmet can move the ballistic off centre and change the bullet path maybe just enough to prevent a fatal head wound. They certainy can't stop large caliber rounds from assault rifles at close range. But surely if a ballistic vest can stop a 9mm so too will a heavy kevlar helmet?

Any Military Personnel on here?

ballistic vest is the same answer as the helmet really
osprey / ebts have ceramic plates to do that

the bloke above you lol :p
It is very quick to rank up to 50, just cap/defend flags, kill lots of people, spot, take vehicles out etc. and you will easily be ranking up 1-3 times every round! (although as said it all depends on map, tickets, number of players etc.)

I am dying to use my 50, 100 and 200 XP boosts but too scared to use them in case the server crashes and I lose them :p :o :(

I think that a head shot should be rewarded with a fatality m8. It will encourage better markmanship.

Its basically the equiviant of a bullseye in darts and instant death should follow lol.

I am not too bothered about it, although for normal mode I would prefer 2 shots to the head, of course depending on range and type of weapon used i.e. assault weapons, shotguns and pretty much every other gun (except the weaker pistols like m9, p226) close up = 1 headshot, medium-long range = 2 headshots.

But the problem is the way that it is working atm, it is buggy and not consistent, from that footage, it looks like 2 shots are being registered despite only 1 shot being fired.

The whole netcode/hit reg. is complete ****.

I never thought I would say this but in all honesty I am starting to miss BF 3's netcode/hit reg. and some other elements of it i.e. AM + CQ maps, the superior battlelog system, stability (could play that game for 5+ hours without any slow down, crash, server crash) etc.

I've been taking a break from this for a few days, been losing motivation to keep playing it, same feeling i had with BF3.

Alpha, Beta in BF3 and the Beta in BF4 was brilliant, then when the two were released, i lost motivation to keep playing it consistently.

BC2 is the only one where i played it everyday.

Exact same here :(

I don't even bother playing the game now unless 3/4+ friends are on and even then am getting a bit bored, happily played bc 2 for something like 550+ hours, same game mode, same server most of the time + same maps and I was never bored of that game!

Although as said before, doesn't help when the netcode/hit reg. is **** and stability is terrible...........

The whole unlock system is tedious too which doesn't help matters, so many guns I want to try but simply cba having to go through the exact same process AGAIN............ I can't see myself using any other pistol than the p226 for those exact same reasons, takes forever to unlock a new pistol let alone getting a scope etc. for it........

Plus, I have noticed the last few days that huge landslide wins are happening and coming to the point where base rape is happening again :rolleyes: For me that is an instant game killer, boring being on the winning team and frustrating as hell when on the losing team.
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This game has so much potential and I am really enjoying playing it when it works properly, too bad it is plagued with sooooo many problems... Almost a month since it was released and they haven't fixed almost nothing, it looks like they care more about xbone/ps4 release and DLC's :(
Headshots, just ask JFK, ooh, topical.

Lee Harvey Oswald, probably the first "camper". No doubt he would have been mortared within seconds if it had happened today.
ballistic vest is the same answer as the helmet really
osprey / ebts have ceramic plates to do that

the bloke above you lol :p

Level 3 helmets will easily stop 9mm rounds at very close range.

NIJ Level IIIA (3a) helmets stop .44 magnum weighing 15.6g with a velocity of 436 m/s

Bullet mass (g)
Velocity (m/s)
Max Trauma (mm)

9mm FMJ RN
.40 S&W FMJ
8.0 (124gr)
11.7 (180gr)

9mm FMJ RN
.357 Magnum JSP
8.0 (124gr)
10.2 (158gr)

.44 Magnum SJHP
8.1 (125gr)
15.6 (240gr)
Headshots, just ask JFK, ooh, topical.

Lee Harvey Oswald, probably the first "camper". No doubt he would have been mortared within seconds if it had happened today.

Actually the French guy who shot nelson was the first sniping camper using gun powder.

Then going back during the battle of Hastings in 1066 another said camper used arrows and shot King Harold in the eye...

Campers Really extract the urine in a team game lol.
Wasn't exactly being factually serious, but I guess technically, the first caveman to throw a rock at a prehistoric badger from behind a hedge was probably the first camper.
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