Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

CJS CD Keys ? how many have used this site please and i dont mean just the last few weeks i mean for a year where a game has continued to work without issues?
The prices seem to good to be true which usually means stay away but i see some on here bought battlefield 4 with this site, so how reliable is their keys in the long term?
Dude jeez man up, you say you aren't going to buy BF5 because no 200% Xp on that thread.


No it is just one of the many bugs that has sealed it's fate. I didn't really have time to list every single one :P

Though I did just have a go on paracel storm and for once the hitreg was spot on, dragshotting people left right and centre with the SV98, still grinning now, so when the game works it is brilliant.
I have got quite a few XP boosts, can't recall exact figures, but about 4 200XP, 5+ 100XP, 9+ 50XP and 11+ 25XP boosts.

I am only using the 25XP ones until the crashes are sorted out, no way am I going to risk losing the big ones!

Personally I hate all these battlepacks and xp boosts, kind of takes the fun out of the game and I rather just have it the way it was in bf 3 i.e. a double xp weekend every now and then and unlock the attachments through the usual way.

And that is damn annoying that xbox have already got the second DLC pack, WTF?! :mad:

BTW where the hell is all the china rising map footage, we haven't seen a single thing about that and it is due in a week............. Maps must be crap if they aren't hyping the crap out of it like they did with all the bf 3 DLC and second assault stuff so far :p
Wait.... so I paid for Premium to get stuff "first", or at least sooner, than those who didn't (One reason anyway)

But Xbox users are more premium than Premium members? Already got access to stuff that we don't? Can't say I'm happy with that.

Your making a mountain out of a molehill.

MS just paid to get the Second Assault DLC first on xbox one. The rest of the DLC is the same across all platforms.

Welcome to battlefield xD was the same with BF3, Premium were premium, but PS3 was a week or two more premium than PC premium (cash injection from sony apparently).

at least this time its only second assault and not all DLC like it was with BF3.
I have got quite a few XP boosts, can't recall exact figures, but about 4 200XP, 5+ 100XP, 9+ 50XP and 11+ 25XP boosts.

I am only using the 25XP ones until the crashes are sorted out, no way am I going to risk losing the big ones!

Personally I hate all these battlepacks and xp boosts, kind of takes the fun out of the game and I rather just have it the way it was in bf 3 i.e. a double xp weekend every now and then and unlock the attachments through the usual way.

And that is damn annoying that xbox have already got the second DLC pack, WTF?! :mad:

BTW where the hell is all the china rising map footage, we haven't seen a single thing about that and it is due in a week............. Maps must be crap if they aren't hyping the crap out of it like they did with all the bf 3 DLC and second assault stuff so far :p

I've only ever got 50 and 25 boosts but then i dont really level up weapons very well. I get bored with the slog and dont enjoy playing assault or recon much. I'm ready for some new maps too as some of the ones now I hate playing (lockers and golmud in particular). Not sure why we have to rehash old maps though as Metro I never played and cant think it will be any different from Lockers (which is just a cluster****)

Yes mate they were indeed. I do enjoy playing with people that you know who and who actually try and PTFO rather than either camping a rooftop etc. :)

We need to sort out some proper comms i think.. :)

Will Gill has said we can use his TS but its a case of people wanting to use it. I had offered my ts for use too but I dont think peeps can be bothered.
dodg3rman, i'd love to get a group of us on comms regular. Should try set something up! So much better even if its just random peeps if your on comms.
I think the XP boosts work on time played, not GMT, don't they?

I activated one the other night, and when I played the following day I had the last ~17 mins of boosted XP.

correct, they are only active for the time you are alive. can test this out... run about alive, hit timer go down. then when you're dead and on the deploy screen do the same again....timer stopped :D probably why it doesn't go down in commander mode as you aren't technically a living player in BF4 (unlike BF2 where ya spawned and then just sat at base hoping not to get killed lol)
Yeah Boosts are in game time.

BTW where the hell is all the china rising map footage, we haven't seen a single thing about that and it is due in a week............. Maps must be crap if they aren't hyping the crap out of it like they did with all the bf 3 DLC and second assault stuff so far :p
The only thing i've seen mentioned about the CR stuff is on a vid from Jackfrags -

He mentions it in the first minute, but says he's not allowed to talk about it until the 3rd. Which is when its out anyway lol. Dice Logic?

All he said is "They're really good and I think you'll like them"

Make of that what you will....

Will Gill has said we can use his TS but its a case of people wanting to use it. I had offered my ts for use too but I dont think peeps can be bothered.
We should try to get a few of us on something tbh, I'd be up for it one evening. I've got a Mumble server, only 10 slot, but its usable if needed. :)
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Getting pretty bored of the current maps now. Badly need new maps, hoping these jungle style maps will be great, hopefully close to bc 2 jungle maps.....

A lot of the current maps are too vehicle orientated for my liking and a couple are just roof top campers paradise i.e. floodzone + I am spending most of my time running between 2-3 flags all the time i.e. floodzone, I just stay on the rooftops usually as that is where all the action is, other flags are a PITA to get too.

Originally I wasn't a fan of zavod but it is probably one of my favourites now, just wish C and D were further apart.........

Hate playing lacang + golmud because of the audio (game breaking for me) but even still, they are poor maps "overall"

I like operation locker but only with 32 players, 64 player is terrible.

I would happily pay £10 for all BC 2 maps to be a DLC pack, just imagine laguna pressa, valporiso, port vladez with the new frost bite engine :eek: :cool:

Excuse the spelling of the maps :p :o

And yeah I don't mind popping on TS if everyone else does (why I didn't really bother with yours dodger as no one else jumped on apart from kiwi :p), although I don't use my headset much, prefer 5.1 speaker setup + I hate using a mic. anyway :p

Find it pretty amusing how everyone was raging that VOIP was missing for BF 3 on PC and begging for it to be included and we get it for bf 4 yet no one uses it :D

He mentions it in the first minute, but says he's not allowed to talk about it until the 3rd. Which is when its out anyway lol. Dice Logic?

All he said is "They're really good and I think you'll like them"

Make of that what you will....

Just have to wait and see then :(

But generally when game companies don't build the hype up for their games/dlc packs or/and only release reviews etc. after/on the release date, it isn't a good sign........

But.......... I can't see how DICE could mess up these sort of maps given the bc 2 jungle style maps are amazing...........

Plus some of them supposedly have cave areas! I can just imagine what that will look + sound like with all the gunfire etc. :eek:
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hehe it probably will turn out like that! :p :(

There was actually a quick glimpse of the cave and it did look pretty much like a small tunnel, lets hope there are some massive caves.........


Yup, that bit is from the trailer:

Bigger than what I originally thought though.......
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Umm... remember what I said about the QBS... well I put slug's in it and actually it does really well (just don't waste time trying to hip fire with it).
Almost unlocked the HAWK, not sure what it's meant to be like.
dodg3rman, i'd love to get a group of us on comms regular. Should try set something up! So much better even if its just random peeps if your on comms.

Better off using Will's as his isnt password protected like mine is , plus he has a 20 man one and i only rent an 8 man. Would work if everyone on here who wants to play and squad up but isnt in a clan just logs into TS as standard operating procedure.

I personally can only speak on ts during the day as I dont play until 9.45 ish at night and then I have to be quiet as the missus is upstairs sleeping. Doesnt stop me logging in to hear the battle plans though :)
I've said it before, we have 500+ slots on our LVLBF ts which you guys are free to use. It uses opus codec so is the best quality sound you can get over VOIP. is the address, although I won't be in until late tonight as I'm off out
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