Note I only play TDM.
I hated Noshar, I would actively avoid that map. It was so boring.
I think the hitreg has vastly improved in this game since release, I'm actually hitting stuff now.
There is still the issue of being shot around the corner and bullets not hitting though this seems to depend on the server.
Maps still feel small, spawns are still really bad. Spawning and being insta killed is not pleasant.
I'm not impressed with China rising TDM, the initial spawn seems to favour one side and the maps also seem to be more camper biased.
I've definitely had to change my playstyle with bf4.
In BF3 it felt as if bullets were coming out of my gun and were making an impact on the enemy, it doesn't feel that way in bf4.
You can't run around much either, you have to watch every corner for campers.
No more holding down the fire button even if you can control the recoil either, you can stand next to someone and hold fire and half the bullets would miss. Burst is the way to go.
edit: I'm also getting a lot more "Could not connect to server" errors since the latest patch.