Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Well, at least the rpg rounds seem to have a bit more speed behind them this time around, they were laughably slow in BF3. Got annoying how it basically became a "lob" weapon (like so many other things in bf3), having to aim above the target at distances you wouldn't even consider mid range.

Also funny how devious dice are this time around, letting people record footage at e3 then put it on youtube, free advertising. Still not sure how the footage was recorded though, some of it in some vids is off screen, but a lot of vids its like they were running fraps and got the vid files put onto a usb drive :confused:
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Still not sure how the footage was recorded though, some of it in some vids is off screen, but a lot of vids its like they were running fraps and got the vid files put onto a usb drive :confused:

A whole bunch of youtubers were invited to play and were able to do just that.

If you weren't one of those people chances are you videod the computer screen instead though. You can tell who was at that session where they where allowed to record, Jackfrags and Levelcap were some of them. They got about 45 mins to record

It will be exactly the same on PC

You only have to see the rants in the BF3 thread by Gerard at the moment to see that idiotic players are not just a console thing.

And BF3 is one of the few games that impose an age check on consoles. If you have a child's account it won't let you play, unlike COD which has no such check. If you think that those on the PC are some kind of elite master race where every player is perfect and the console players are all herp derp 13 year olds then your deluded
it works in reverse too. Nothing worse in BF2 ejecting from your jet or chopper, miles from anywhere and asking for a vehicle multiple times only to be ignored constantly by the Commander. Or the Commander decides a Jet is a great way to combine XP as Commander and points in a Jet.
Indeed, PC gamers are going to be no better at all! :D TBH, it will probably be worse with all the trolls out there that just **** around to **** people of and then upload videos to youtube of it :p

Just one of the many many videos out there:

Has happened to me far too many times :rolleyes:
at the end of the day its human nature that some people enjoy ruining others fun. Its why people use things like the insta kill hack where they can kill every player on the server with a med pack in their hand.

Its just the thrill of annoying others that drives them to it.

The fact that you can no longer "play" the game as commander is a welcome move IMO. As already said, far too many players on BF2 would elect to be commander,then decide to command whilst driving a tank or flying a jet and ocasionally drop a UAV or supply drop for the extra points.
Indeed, PC gamers are going to be no better at all! :D TBH, it will probably be worse with all the trolls out there that just **** around to **** people of and then upload videos to youtube of it :p

Just one of the many many videos out there:

Has happened to me far too many times :rolleyes:

This usually happens to me when I spawn in the gunner seat of a Humvee and they want to drive it somewhere, then switch to the gunner seat themselves. Either that or you get in the gunner seat of a chopper and the pilot wants to do it all himself so we can swap seats and TV missile then swap back.
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