Battlefield 6 - Thread

Cheap pre-order or not, I’m not making that mistake again EA.

It’ll have to be flipping amazing to convince me to buy the next one.
burned by battlefront 2 early on which got good at the end then it got stupidly dumped when they could have kept it going for ages, then burned by bfv early on which got better at the end, then burned by 2042 (portal mode looked great but was a dud) barely got acceptable by the end, played more out of spite to pay off the purchase than enjoyed

next one would have to be super awesome guaranteed for any kind of on release purchase even then I doubt it after the recent fails

2 / 3 / 4 (after they fixed it) / BC2 all great
1 was a good idea / setting but not the best overall
didnt touch hardline or 2140
v was ok
2042 was poor really
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Just don't purchase it on release. The game will still be there in a week, and it will still cost the same amount of money, but by then you'll actually know if it's likely worth it. Publishers & devs prey on fomo and impatience - Everyone wants to stop pre-ordering games but as soon as those pre-orders come with a week of early access and they start seeing everyone else playing they jump straight in!
Shame they've already mentioned live service, I know it caused issues with splitting the playerbase but I actually enjoyed the DLC approach we had with 3 & 4. Naval Strike and Final Stand for BF4 were great expansions.
I think you're making it up pal, or dreamt it. Funny how people bandy the word "Woke" about. Anyway people play games not trailers.

I always liked the war in the pacific chapter - mainly because they introduced the katana and I managed one of my favourite streaks before being stopped by a table.

Helldivers 2 is a live service game and that is really good, so it can be done.

But with EA's mindset of "How much can we make out of this" rather than "How good can we make this game", I'm not optimistic.
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“Wimmin ruin the immersion!!!!13” he screams, as his 6ft 3 male character sprints 300m across the map, gunning down several bad guys with his heavily modified red dot’d Tompson SMG. He grabs his satchel and flings it on to the back of the enemy tank, which was obviously part of the standard load out for this Marine, and dolphin dived away until he was behind cover. Pushing the plunger of his remote detonator down, the satchel miraculously blew up using the wireless technology inside. But he hadn’t counted on the driver having pushed “E”, allowing him to instantly exit the vehicle and dive away, surviving the blast. How did he unbolt that hatch so quickly?! The driver raised his STG-44, which was the common armament for a tank crewman at the time, and emptied his extended clip through the silenced barrel at hi—, I think you get my point.

Historically accurate :D immersion breaking :D
“Wimmin ruin the immersion!!!!13” he screams, as his 6ft 3 male character sprints 300m across the map, gunning down several bad guys with his heavily modified red dot’d Tompson SMG. He grabs his satchel and flings it on to the back of the enemy tank, which was obviously part of the standard load out for this Marine, and dolphin dived away until he was behind cover. Pushing the plunger of his remote detonator down, the satchel miraculously blew up using the wireless technology inside. But he hadn’t counted on the driver having pushed “E”, allowing him to instantly exit the vehicle and dive away, surviving the blast. How did he unbolt that hatch so quickly?! The driver raised his STG-44, which was the common armament for a tank crewman at the time, and emptied his extended clip through the silenced barrel at hi—, I think you get my point.

Historically accurate :D immersion breaking :D
Great stuff, I very nearly replied to this post:
Because what they ended up doing was disrespectful to almost everyone.
It implies a game where you earn XP for killing virtual soldiers was somehow respectful in the first place until they added LADIEZ.
I understand the criticism for the single player campaign as it's based on events.

In the multiplayer? There's nothing breaking any immersion there
Battlefield franchise of the past will stay in the past it's done stick a fork in it!

EA and the likes will cater to 'Modern Audiences' who get high on skins and mtx they don't care about immersion or any of that jazz.

Look at COD from gritty war depiction to promoting drug using rappers just lol.
Great stuff, I very nearly replied to this post:

It implies a game where you earn XP for killing virtual soldiers was somehow respectful in the first place until they added LADIEZ.

Battlefield games typically have an online PvP element which is undertandly quite a bit more divorced from reality.

And its this bit where you "you earn XP for killing virtual soldiers"

But when the makers of Battlefield V decided to include a single player story element, somewhat based on a real event, why did they not pick one that actually featured women in combat situation rather than sex swapping a woman into a role undertaken by a man/ men?

It's the usual sloppy media 'inclusion' nonsence all over again. Where instead of writing compelling fictional characters that are consistent in the universe they are placed in or if using actual events featuring the people they want represented we end up getting characters inconsistent with their surroundings, even within the bounds of the fictional setting they are in or race/ sex swapped versions of actual people.
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I'm not sure if it's changed for the better but a few years ago Frostbite was as good as mandatory to use with few exceptions. DICE Stockholm had a permanent help desk with 15-20 people on it nearly all the time to support other studios using it. Most Devs hated it saying it was difficult to use, highly unintuitive and had inherent bugs and issues that never got fixed from one version to the next. Interesting the article now says studios are free to use whatever engine they wish though.
I was talking more about how they describe the logo change with all this nonsense blue sky thinking and corporate speak
Battlefield franchise of the past will stay in the past it's done stick a fork in it!

EA and the likes will cater to 'Modern Audiences' who get high on skins and mtx they don't care about immersion or any of that jazz.

Look at COD from gritty war depiction to promoting drug using rappers just lol.
Couldn't agree more,which is very unfortunate,I'm actually really concerned that this maybe the end of decent online FPS games where the actual gameplay and the experience nwas what mattered,I miss the days where you launched a game and you would get a simple menu and server bowser and off you go.
Now you launch a game,it appears to to take longer than it really should to load and that's because it's loading in a ton of crap unnecessary menus that u have to faff through in order to even join a browser.
Cod,call of duty, Infestation all do it now it's horrible.
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