“Wimmin ruin the immersion!!!!13” he screams, as his 6ft 3 male character sprints 300m across the map, gunning down several bad guys with his heavily modified red dot’d Tompson SMG. He grabs his satchel and flings it on to the back of the enemy tank, which was obviously part of the standard load out for this Marine, and dolphin dived away until he was behind cover. Pushing the plunger of his remote detonator down, the satchel miraculously blew up using the wireless technology inside. But he hadn’t counted on the driver having pushed “E”, allowing him to instantly exit the vehicle and dive away, surviving the blast. How did he unbolt that hatch so quickly?! The driver raised his STG-44, which was the common armament for a tank crewman at the time, and emptied his extended clip through the silenced barrel at hi—, I think you get my point.
Historically accurate

immersion breaking