Battlefield:Bad Company 3 Thread!

Optimistic but with the current trend of EA decisions I can see them changing this into something it shouldnt be, and losing the humour and bits that made 2 so good.
After BF1 I've said the same. Then again .....Bad Company 3 )

i loved the bad company ones.. I almost didn't buy BF1 because they took away 3rd party servers.... Back then it just looked like BF was going to go the same way COD went once they got rid of 3rd party servers (RIP procon)... It's not happening as fast but i will put money on them trying to get this game running peer to peer.. Or if not just continue with the bad servers you can rent direct.....

Then with the whole BF2 BS from EA i can see it being a total cluster.
Yes the awful server setup and terrible server browser killed Bf1 for me and a group of regular hardcore Battlefield mates. We gave it a few months for Ea to sort it, but the implementation was just awful when it finally came in a very half arsed way

We're back on Bf4/ Bf3 probably until EA kill them. Unfortunately I can't see Ea Dice learning any lessons, there's been many a patch and a huge amount of time to sort Bf1.
Funnily enough, the only ones I don't own are the BC games, Vietnam and of course Hardline. :p

Ah see back then i was a real mug (Dice sheep) and i purchased hardline..... I actually found the single player pretty funny but that was it. Then i stuck by it with BF1 although i kicked up a real stink about what they did with the servers. I spent a year running a BF4 server which was, believe it or not, modded slightly (wasn't much you could do but there were ways) but that all went away with BF1.

What they did with the servers killed some massive BF clans... I wouldn't be surprised if we get the style of server joining like there is in battlefront this time round... sigh... :(
What makes me laugh are the people who complain every new battlefild is never as good as 2, series is ruined, etc. Then in 2 months have 100 + hours of game time.

100% this ^^.....I see a couple of the well known one's have already posted in this thread.

I was hoping for BFWW2, but I'll settle for BC Vietnam, really didn't like the WW1 theme of BF1.
Pretty tempting but I should resist...

Isn't PUBG more about stealth than yoloing around with a ump or throwing C4 under people though? :)

Depends how you wanna play it! Its addictive though.

C4 & UMP were top combinations in BC2, or any of the snipers and C4. The atmosphere was so intense in that game.
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