Battlefield V

28 Feb 2006
No longer riding an Italian
I agree, best Battlefield ever.
Especially the early days when you were commander and you could arty the carrier and drop a vehicle on a sniper, and everyone just hopped around like mad. :D

Grrrrrrr that was one of the things that always ****** me off! That, and Dolphin Diving!! Arrrrggh - anyone who did that was immediately dead to me, it used to grind my gears so much, having a decent trade off with someone, they run out of ammo and start bouncing around like they're on bloody springs :(

Happy to have BF2 back in its entirety, apart from this - maybe have a jump cool down lol
19 Oct 2002
Actually it looked pretty good, not segregating the players with a premium pass sounds good but I think we all remember the last EA/Dice game that took that approach and didn't go too well ie Battlefront II

I'm sure (I hope) they would have learned from that and the micro transactions are purely cosmetic.
4 Jul 2004
Can't wait for this. WW2 is such a fresh and original take on the first person shooter. It's never been done before, especially not recently...
28 Feb 2006
No longer riding an Italian
Looked very 'meh' to me.

Don't think it was actual gameplay footage, so hopefully all the gimmicks shown, are just concepts that get dropped. What's with the ''player' sliding around every few seconds? Is that a nice new feature we can expect - gone are bunny hoppers and dolphin divers, to what, ice skaters?

The conference itself was also massively cringe worthy, no idea who the host was, but he was just reaming off the buzz words - almost as if he had an EA exec in his ear telling him what to say... "Mention you're a player and huge fan, they'll trust you then"... "Mention how great it is that you get rewarded for playing"! And his remark about BF being realistic - genuine lol to that.

I must say, that this is the first BF reveal I have left, thinking "what is it?". I feel non the wiser about what to expect, and if anything, it just looks tacky.

Here's hoping they pull one out of the bag, but so far, it's not pipped this BF fan's radar.
19 Oct 2002
I love battlefield. I love ww2 FPS games

Why do I feel so underwhelmed?

Hopefully gameplay trailers and a beta can spike my interest

TBH I was disappointed at first simply because I expected to see some gameplay, I forgot they don't normally do that at the start.

I think it will be good as long as EA don't mess it up with loot boxes.
28 Jan 2003
It’s not got premium and there is no pay to win, there will 100% be loot boxes, but what is in those boxes is anyone’s guess at this stage, but I’m cautious.
16 Jun 2005
  • No Season Pass
  • Launch locations are France, Africa and Rottedam and North Africa desert
  • Coop Mode called Combined Arms
  • Single player War Stories return
  • Fortifications are things like sand ags, trenches, tank stoppers. Only supports can build offensively defense fortifications such as machine guns, field cannons and are much faster at building everything.
  • Predetermined areas to build such as at flags, can rebuild destroyed buildings
  • Health bar is in stages, only regen up to closet stage not to 100 anymore
  • Physical interactions - every action in the game requires a player interact for things like medkits, spotting, ammo, ledge grabbing (example: healing requires walking over to a health pack, character animation to pick it up, then start healing)
  • No more HUD/map spotting, spotting is based on movement/changes around you
  • Much less ammo on spawn, out of ammo after a few fights, but more ways to resupply ammo in the battlefield from packs, crates, or grabbing small amounts of ammo off of bodies (all requires physical interactions)
  • Revive system has a full on animation, takes a few seconds to complete, no more revive trains, takes time to complete
  • Ragdolls are server side, can now drag a downed player's body elsewhere
  • Any class can do a squad revive, takes longer than a medic revive, does not give full health points
  • Can call for help when down such as in the trailer
  • Ragdolls (player bodies) effect the environment, push down grass etc.
  • Gunplay completely changed
  • No more visual recoil
  • Each gun has a unique recoil pattern that can be learned and mastered
  • Bipods easier to use and setup
  • Bullet penetration through thin wood, sheet metal, walls
  • Movement change, can now dive froward, backward, left and right similar to R6 Siege prone system
  • Diving has a delay to prevent dolphin diving
  • Crouch sprinting is in the game
  • Can burst out of widows and commando roll, no destroying windows first
  • Can catch, throwback or shoot grenades
  • Less grenades because less ammo
  • Can tow items in the game with vehicles such as previously stationary anti-air guns, teammate can use an anti-air gun while you tow it with a vehicle
  • For example, can drive a tiger tank towing a field cannon behind it or a truck towing ammo crate to resupply teammates on the front line
  • Destruction explodes inwards or outwards based on where the destruction happens. Throw a grenade inside of the building? The explosion sends things outside of it. Outside of it? Breaks inwards.
  • Tank driving into a building slowly destroys a building, walls slowly crack/fall, not instant
  • Heavily focused on squad play, instant placed in squad when joining a game
  • New squad spawning system, squad deploy system that shows what squad mates are doing in third person in real time before the tactical map screen, so spawning on squad is kicker than spawning on tactical map screen
  • Since squad spawning/deploying is faster than tactical map, squad wipes are serious
  • Squads accumulate points that can be spent on "squad call-ins", only squad leader can spend them in
  • Squad Call-ins are V1 or JB2 rockets as seen in the trailer, supply drops with ammo/health, a smoke barrage, heavy weapon pickups (not hero kits), squad only vehicles such as Churchill crocodile flamethrower tank or the Sturm tiger
  • Elite classes are gone
  • Behemoths are gone
  • Large, non-fatal explosions can knock a player over
  • Four classes are back: assault, medic, scout, support
  • Create a solider, add them to a company of soldiers, then can customize things like gender, face look, face paint, outfit, accessories, etc. and assign them a class archtype
  • Class archetypes highly customization
  • Can be an assault that specializes in anti-tank or anti-infantry only, or a mix of both, etc.
  • Highly specialized archetypes called exotics such as a recon paratrooper, stealthy short-range behind enemy lines person who uses a suppressed SMG and silent gadgets like pistols and garrotes comes with silent footsteps and throwing knives
  • Can change and add specialization trees such as agility, flak armor, suppressive resistance
  • The more you play a class more you get more specializations/archetypes within said class
  • Same system for guns, pick a gun, level it up, unlock specializations and making gameplay choices in a skill tree on that gun
  • Specializations are the only thing that affects how a gun plays or feels (ex: bipod)
  • Five-seven elements to change on a gun to make it your own (stocks, sights, muzzles, chassis, skins, leaves on the front, cloth on back, straps, etc).
  • Gameplay and visual customization is SEPARATE. Look of weapon is just visual without impacting gameplay, specialization is what determines how the gun plays/feels.
  • Same system for vehicles and planes
  • Asymmetric vehicles for teams, (ex: one team might get a big slow tank that does lot of damage, other team gets a small fast tank that does light damage)
  • Grand Operations gamemode, each day is a full match, always advance to the next day
  • GOs have different objectives per day
  • Success or failure in GO days have visual and gameplay impact
  • Day 4 only has a chance to happen if there isn't a clear winner from previous days
  • Day 4 is last stand, limited ammo, no respawns, whoever lives to the end wins
  • Coop mode, combined arms with a dynamic mission creator/AI that sits between SP/MP as a creative sandbox
  • Soldiers created for a company can be used in both coop and MP, parity
  • No news on suppression yet, uncertain if in game
  • All logic in game is server side, not client side so changes to systems do not require a patch
  • Promises of more communication between devs and community, roadmaps, etc.
  • New content is called Tides of war, daily/weekly/monthly challenges with overarching chapters and questlines that give you "unique items and cosmetics"
  • Tides of War gives new maps, game modes, limited time experiences
  • Variety of maps with different tones such as complete crushing battlefield chaos or more slow space large maps with tempo that goes up and down
  • Gamemodes confirmed: Grand Operations, Conquest, TDM, Domination
  • No news on RSP
  • The Shhhh animation from the trailer is possible to experience in game
  • Transport vehicles are alive on the map and can jump into them
  • Combat vehicles spawn from tactical deployment map
Stolen from resetera
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