Battlefleet Gothic: Armada

In lore terms, the sheet amount of power needed to fire multiple nova cannons would be immense...

Yeah, but if you have loads of ships carrying them. I think maybe they would need to gimp the ships that have them a little bit so there is a reason not to stack them. That said I tend to just rush those ships if I'm defending a convoy. It's not hard to destroy the cannons
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I just cannot get enough of this game, I'm not a god at these type of games but even when my fleet is lost I still want to jump back in and get it going. Only RTS game that inspires me like that!

Really enjoying the beta, can't wait to get stuck in to the full campaign!

Has anyone seen news on the actual release date? It looks to still be penned in for "March" but we're quite quickly running out of March :(
I picked it up yesterday and spent a good few hours on it. Only real issue is the drop outs when trying to connect to a match sometimes and my loosing streak for the first few games! lol.

Really looking forward to it being released now.
Really enjoying the beta, can't wait to get stuck in to the full campaign!

Has anyone seen news on the actual release date? It looks to still be penned in for "March" but we're quite quickly running out of March :(

There's was talk of the 23rd, but they have said they aren't afraid of pushing it back if it isn't ready

I picked it up yesterday and spent a good few hours on it. Only real issue is the drop outs when trying to connect to a match sometimes and my loosing streak for the first few games! lol.

Really looking forward to it being released now.

Same here, really looking forwards to getting the other factions and getting stuck into the campaign.

Especially looking forwards to 2vs2 matches! Will need some battle brothers to team up with though so feel free to add me on steam
The Skirmish mode in the beta is really good. Torpedoes are easily the most fun.

They are going to buff torpedoes and slightly nerf nova cannon so you'll have good reason to practice. It is really satisfying to send a huge barrage into the side of a ship trying to broadside you
Well, a couple days in with a few hours played now and I have to say this game is really fun.

Now, give Hive Fleet please :D
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Well, a could days in with a few hours played now and I have to say this game is really fun. #

Now, give Hive Fleet please :D

+1 hive fleet would be immense. Devs said that they want to have tyrannid and tau factions eventually. I'm hoping that happens!
Update on the steam page says they are shifting to a 21st April launch date!

But i should add, that they say they are also adding Orks to the beta in "the coming days". Whatever that means in developer world.
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Update on the steam page says they are shifting to a 21st April launch date!

But i should add, that they say they are also adding Orks to the beta in "the coming days". Whatever that means in developer world.

Sweet, I've nearly maxed out my imperial fleet so was going to start with chaos next, although I find it easier as chaos and less satisfying as it seems to be mostly hammering from range. I like to brawl! Oaks will be more my jam in that sense.

Couple of games I streamed tonight

Orks! But they can't do high energy turns which is a nightmare for torpedoes??? Or have i missed something?

Correct, and also, once you hit the big red button, you go until your boost drains (after a small delay I might add). Also, you can't execute captains unless you get squigs on board as a ship upgrade, and they mutiny a lot.

BUT they have boarding torpedoes, do an extra attack movement on boarding like the terminator skill by default, and can ram like nobody's business. Also they do a lot of damage with their gunz.

Most of all, they are just fun to play.
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