I believe that the whole point of SKY buying F1 and probably paying BIG money for it, was to get more customers to subscribe to its TV packages and increase SKY's customer base. If they offered F1 on Freeview (topup), then the whole purpose of them buying F1, would be defeated.
Customers are still subscribing , its just the way its delivered thats different.
In the current economically lean times, I can gaurentee there would be more than enough willing to pay £10/ month (instead of £30-40) to significantly increase Sky's income over what they will get for the MUCH fewer full subs , who are just getting it for F1.
There is also the probability of some customers buying F1 on topup then progressing to the full setup at some point in the future - it wont be happening the other way round for sure.
Its also getting the Sky advertising into a lot more homes - therefore keeping their advertisers happy, while also getting their internal (ie different channel adverts) seen more widely too
Absolutely no way would Sky be broadcasting to less value as a whole by putting it on topup tv
You can get Sky Sports 1 and 2 on Freeview too. However, for whatever reason Sky have said that the F1 channel will only be on Sky and VM if they work out a deal. Sure its possible to put it on Freeview, but they aren't.
And I don't think the topuptv market is actually that big. I don't know anyone who has it and I've never had a conversation with anyone around it. It required specific (and expensive) hardware for what amounts to only a few extra channels. I expect there are far more Sky customers than people with topuptv boxes.
Always thought those channels were locked - maybe only during premium shows or something (certainly appears encrypted via my freeview box , although they are picked up). (I was meaning Sky news actually being FREE on freeview, maybe you were just meaning available to pay for?
I wasnt disputing that Sky have decided not to put it on freeview
Im under the impresson that most settop boxes have some kind of card readed that would allow the user to unencrypt channels - just like ESPN on BTVision , I would be very surprised if there wasnt a card reader in most homes by now (even if majority of them are currently unused)