BBC possibly to drop F1 coverage...

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Honestly think BE was just at the right place at the right time and not necessarily the right person - at end of the day when F1 dies, its hard not to think he wouldnt have played a contributing factor in that...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Why would Bernie have a part in the downfall of a sport where his whole reputation and financial situation is based on the success of that same sport?

Bernies success is directly proportional to Formula 1's success. I don't understand why people seem to think he is trying to ruin it?
Really? How easy? Whip out the HDD and stick a larger one in? Even with the stupid price increases in HDD's it would be cheaper to buy a 1TB drive and convert than to pay the £149 premium for a 1TB box.
My thread, of the upgrade. You need to use a program called Copy+ (free), but otherwise it's no harder than a PC upgrade.

I switched to them , £60 a month for unlimited phone, TV and unlimited broadband (literally no FUP) - my 10 month old son Jenson gets to watch Formula 1 with me, as well as GP2 and GP3 and the kid's and tot's cartoons on Sky entertainment extra, then there's unlimited phone calls and for anyone who may want to know...

I thought o2's adsl speeds were decent - since I moved to Sky I've gained another 2 mb in download speed, which added to 4mb downstream makes a difference, almost 7mb now.

I also got a £100 M&S voucher and £120 cashback via a cashback website. ;)
I've had Sky in the past, when I lived with my parents, and I had Sky LLU broadband with them until last month, so the only decent thing going for the deal at the moment is the £101 cashback and the £50 M&S voucher. I begrudge paying more than £30/month.

I upgraded my internet recently, so I may have to look at what streams are available.

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Why would Bernie have a part in the downfall of a sport where his whole reputation and financial situation is based on the success of that same sport?

Bernies success is directly proportional to Formula 1's success. I don't understand why people seem to think he is trying to ruin it?
Im confused do you think all his personal wealth is actually tied up within F1? IF F1 disappeared tomorrow he would be left penniless or anywhere near anything but rich? Really?!?

ps3ud0 :cool:
Im confused do you think all his personal wealth is actually tied up within F1? IF F1 disappeared tomorrow he would be left penniless or anywhere near anything but rich? Really?!?

ps3ud0 :cool:

Of course not, but rich men like to get richer. They certainly don't sabotage their own business interests by destroying them for no reason.

Just because you don't like what he is doing, doesn't therefore mean he is somehow trying to destroy F1.
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Of course not, but rich men like to get richer. They certainly don't sabotage their own business interests by destroying them for no reason.

Skeeter, this applies to virtually any human who has built up wealth (unless they go completely bonkers).

Pseudo, you say that Bernie was just in the right place at the right time and that anybody could've done what he did. Do you think you could've done as well as Bernie?
Pseudo, you say that Bernie was just in the right place at the right time and that anybody could've done what he did. Do you think you could've done as well as Bernie?
Yeah I actually think I could have, why I said what I said in the first place really ;). Whoever was stupid enough to hand over (a large chunk of the) rights to TV personally to him would no doubt stupid enough to give it to anyone...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Pseudo, getting the rights to televise F1 is one thing. Making use of this opportunity is a completely different story.

The TV rights were just the start of things. Part of running F1 has to do with handling the various personalities within F1 and also selling F1 in different countries, thus creating competition to host F1 GPs. This competition allows Bernie to increase his charges.

There are obviously a lot more facets to growing and improving F1 (financially), just as there are in any business.

It's much like if somebody handed you the reigns of Google (when they were starting up), do you think "anybody" would be able to turn it into a multi billion dollar company within a decade? I think not.
You asked the question, I answered it, not sure why I need to bother to defend myself, are you interviewing for the position or just like to ask silly questions where the elicted answer will always be unqualified nonsense and require you to make further points on a tangent of questioning that was always completely pointless

I could quite happily run the F1 TV rights, but Sunama could you make a good dinosaur?

ps3ud0 :cool:
Of course not, but rich men like to get richer. They certainly don't sabotage their own business interests by destroying them for no reason.

Just because you don't like what he is doing, doesn't therefore mean he is somehow trying to destroy F1.

Trying, no, but certainly succeeding. Last May Ecclestone said that Sky was a bad place for Formula 1. Then Murdoch gave him a large sum of money, and suddenly it's "Sky acquiring F1 opens the sport up to a wider audience" ... casually ignoring the fact that literally everyone in that "wider audience" was already able to watch all the races live in full for free on the BBC last year, while the vast majority of UK viewers will now not be able to watch the full season. That indisputably makes Ecclestone either a moron, a liar, or a bought mouthpiece for Sky.

The Sky move is good only for Ecclestone and BSkyB. It's not good for the sport, or for the fans.
Reckon there will be sites around that stream the feed for races not on BBC?
Still sticking to my "not paying for Sky" stance. Do not want to be wasting a load of cash just to get one channel that's only good every other weekend.

Could download races after, but it's never as good as you always know the result by then. :(
Reckon there will be sites around that stream the feed for races not on BBC?
Still sticking to my "not paying for Sky" stance. Do not want to be wasting a load of cash just to get one channel that's only good every other weekend.

Could download races after, but it's never as good as you always know the result by then. :(

probably, i preferd it on the BBC, but ill still be able to watch it luckily (for free :p)
Reckon there will be sites around that stream the feed for races not on BBC?
Still sticking to my "not paying for Sky" stance. Do not want to be wasting a load of cash just to get one channel that's only good every other weekend.

Could download races after, but it's never as good as you always know the result by then. :(

Easily. You can get HD streams of the football games at 3pm, which aren't shown on Sky, so I'm sure what is shown will be up online.

In fact, I watched the last Man U game via a HD stream, and it was just a stream of Sky Sports HD2, that someone was hosting.

Obviously, you will have to get up at 6am to watch the flyaway races though :p
Pseudo, getting the rights to televise F1 is one thing. Making use of this opportunity is a completely different story.

The TV rights were just the start of things. Part of running F1 has to do with handling the various personalities within F1 and also selling F1 in different countries, thus creating competition to host F1 GPs. This competition allows Bernie to increase his charges.

There are obviously a lot more facets to growing and improving F1 (financially), just as there are in any business.

It's much like if somebody handed you the reigns of Google (when they were starting up), do you think "anybody" would be able to turn it into a multi billion dollar company within a decade? I think not.
bernie screws a lot of money out of F1...

if he wasnt trying to rinse every penny he can out of the sport it could be a lot bigger and more popular than it is, we could be at a lot better race tracks aswell if he didnt charge silly fees that break backs :(
Blood out of a stone comes to mind, if it werent all these developing countries for him to rape and pillage he may actually have to use some business skills to ensure F1 as a production is sustainable. F1 would be better if Bernie wasnt around...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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