BBC possibly to drop F1 coverage...

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People who think this will happen are also deluded.

Sky are tied to a long expensive contract. No terrestrial TV channel will be able to afford to buy them out of it.

no one needs to buy them out but at some point during the contract it might get to the point wheres its better for sky to buy themselfs out of the contract rather than keep covering the sport.

i guess it depends on wether the channel becomes a loss maker or not
If Sky do not fulfill the contract they will be sued for at least the value of the contract, likely much more.

Based on that the only reason they would drop it is if the channel became a complete loss maker.

And if Sky had any fear at all that the channel would be a loss maker, they would not have taken up the contract.

Therefore, common sense says it will be fine. Sky did not become the large successful company they are now by signing up to things they know would fail.

Feel free to keep dreaming though.
What exactly are you trying to argue?

I either have to pay more on virgin, or i have to move to sky and get an overall worse package (no tivo, no 100mb broadband....) and probably take installation costs on the chin too. The saving in overall cost isn't worth 'downgrading' my virgin package and the addition cost to get F1 on virgin isnt worth it to watch 6 races live. This my my personal view, of course, but It is the same for many fans on virgin. Rock and a hard place but I made my decision months ago. Doesn't mean I'm not allowed to to disagree with the move.

It's there in plain English ^^^

If the f1 channel was made available at the same price to virgin customers then i doubt it would be much of an issue. Not ideal of course, as I've said previously, but easier to swallow.
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Too true, I'm not switching from virgin. If it was an extra £10 like on sky I would pay that in a heartbeat. I've also considered getting it on virgin as I would use sky movies a fair bit and getting both sports and movies is only marginally more than just getting one.

However my plan at the moment is borrow brothers or parents SkyGo.
Yeah you just login to the sky site with your details and go to manage devices and remove the device you don't want :) You can only make 2 changes to the account per month though.

ONE change to ONE device ONCE per month.

I don't understand what that means. Can someone enlighten with examples. I used my friends sky go and we mucked about with devices all night with no issues adding and deleting different ones. Is this a recent thing?
Of course you can I would get a worse service on vrgin for over double the price.
It makes zero sense to ignore it.

James.miller was saying about the F1 channel being offered to VM for the same price as Sky.

The package that gets you Sky Sports F1 on VM is the Sky Sports pack, all the SS channels in SD. It costs £22.50. The same package on Sky costs £20, however the basic TV pack on VM is considerably cheaper than Sky.

So, looking at what is actually offered, the Sky Sports F1 channel on VM is similarly priced to the same pack on Sky.
Which ever way you look at it, it is not similarly priced at all.

Ad/hd makes no difference.

Do you willing go to the corner shop and buy some happy hopper loaf of bread for £2 when you can pop to the co-op next door and get a kingsmill loaf for £0.80
James.miller was saying about the F1 channel being offered to VM for the same price as Sky.

The package that gets you Sky Sports F1 on VM is the Sky Sports pack, all the SS channels in SD. It costs £22.50. The same package on Sky costs £20, however the basic TV pack on VM is considerably cheaper than Sky.

So, looking at what is actually offered, the Sky Sports F1 channel on VM is similarly priced to the same pack on Sky.
As Glaucus said, your logics counter-intuitive as soon as you recognise that comparing SD with SD when ignoring the fact the other route of access is half the price and of better quality.

Unless you want to argue that that wouldnt help people with SD TVs, which would be tenuous at best

ps3ud0 :cool:
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