I don't watch anything from the BBC, I want the theft of the license fee to disappear and the BBC along with it. Also.. F1 is lame.
what are you babbling on about?If the BBC internet stream is available worldwide then why would ORF in Austria pay Bernie millions to show it when people will watch the better coverage online? Bernie has to protect the interests of all host broadcasters worldwide.
They could cut costs in certain areas though, the over dramatic intro they do at every round isn't necessary. Could also cut down the pre race amble.
I wish Bernie would move the races to night time for European screening. I'd say Europe is the biggest audience off the top of my head and it was great fun last Sunday watching the Canadian grand prix at 8pm at night. The calendar could be organised so that the European countries race during summer with the longer days with the more exotic locations used at the beginning and end of the calendar. That way the races would always be shown in "prime time" in Europe.
The viewing figures speak for themselves. The article mentions that normally each GP gets 2-4 million viewers (except the British one) but last Sunday 8m tuned in.
A slightly squewed view there AH2. People have said they would pay JUST for F1, whereas with Sky you get the full package all the time. You would also need some sort of hardware for PPV BBC F1 on TV, something like Top Up TV. Then theres the coverage. You have no idea what Sky would offer, so you cant state it will be worse coverage. And Sky goes a full half of football without adverts (45 minutes) so could in theory go with just a single add break during an average race.
interesting viewpoint a friend of mine has just brought up.
if F1 has to stay on a free to air channel then is it really OK for the BBC to broadcast it due to needing the TV license for BBC usage.
Worth a read. It's not the first time one of Murdoch's papers have bashed the BBC.