Opposing this deal to prevent the growth of their monopoly, and actually allow an alternative to come forth, which had the government & the BBC not rolled over so easily in the face of the Murdochs, might have been more forthcoming. The argument that the BBC can't afford it is a question of priorities anyway and therefore not so clear cut. As a matter of principle it would have been in the BBCs interests and ours as fans and paying customers through the license fee to hold out for anything but Sky.
There is proven demand for affordable F1 coverage with very decent viewing figues, and the costs as illustrated are really not that high. It needn't have ended this way.
Ok, lets get this straight.
The BBC have effectively had their budget cut by the freeze on licence fees, and therefore have to make cuts. They have looked at numerous options and decided F1 is part of what needs to go.
You can get all technical if you want, but the simple result is still the same. The BBC cannot afford to continue to provide the same level of F1 coverage they currently do. With their financial situation, it is unsustainable.
So yes, the result is that the contract was opened up to offer. I expect numoueus people made bids in different forms. Channel 5 was mentioned as was Sky and maybe some others. However, your opinon that the government should have helped out and held out is again a clouded one. The government hate motorsport. It flys right in the face of their 'Green' campaigns and no government press office wants to answer to hippies about why programs about saving polar bears are being put on hold to show a bunch of guys driving round in circles for 2 hours.
So again, getting simple, the BBC cant afford it, the government wont help.
So what are you left with? Private companies willing take up the coverage, and FOM looking for the best deal they can get.
So, again, in simple terms, Sky offer the best deal in terms of money and coverage, and FOM agree.
Whilst I fully hate this new deal and am very annoyed about it, I can fully understand why it has happened. Dreaming of the BBC suddenly finding money or the Government suddenly trying to help wont get you anywhere.
The key point for me will be whether or not I can put a Sky disk up on my flat. If I can't, I will be very annoyed.