BBC possibly to drop F1 coverage...

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[DOD]Asprilla;19617139 said:
The reason you can't get iPlayer on the 360 is that BBC want to to be free and MS want to charge for it. BBC say people have already paid and shouldn't have to do it again.

Not strictly true, MS want it for gold members only.
Your ******* me... the BBC are thinking of dropping the brilliant F1 coverage because of the cost, yet they put **** like this on?!

(Currently watching 'The Great British Weather' on BBC1, an hour long live program about the fact its raining....)

Seriously, what the hell?!
[DOD]Asprilla;19617207 said:
True, but it does amount to the same thing; BBC want it to be included in a non-payment service and MS don't.

MS could argue your not paying for Iplayer, its a perk for paying for everything else ;)
BBC Expected to announce 'in the next few days' plan to completely drop F1 coverage and minor sports such as Darts in attempt to save £100+ Million a year.
Just mentioned on Talksport.

Other plans (non F1 related, but ill mention it anyway) include the dumbing down of wild life and documentary programmes to make them more appealing to a wider audience, changing daytime BBC 2 into a 'repeats' channel of previous weeks BBC4 programmes. Turning BBC4 into a purely arts channel.
BBC are also trying to negotiate a 15% cut in royalty payments to the actor's union, if this is unsuccessful then they have to make further cuts..

/wave. Cya F1 :(
They can't be serious? They're putting on the best coverage I've ever seen of the sport only to drop it.. :\

EDIT: So I assume we will all be getting a reduced licence fee if they are reducing the quality and cost of the service we receive? [/wishfull thinking]
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The BBC are saying that, after the license fee got frozen:
Petrol went (more) through the roof
Gas/Electricity prices went (more) through the roof
Food prices went up dramatically
Accommodation prices went up...

Yet their fee remains the same, so they need to save £100m+ to save themselves from going bust.

Having a cheaper unit in Manchester, but having to keep the expensive London studio open for whats basically Top Gear and various political programmes doesn't help either.. all because their highly paid staff wont move up north.

Also was said, although its unlikely, that if a buyer cannot be found before the end of the season that there's a slim chance the last few races won't be shown at all...
As long as Bernie and co get the $$$ agreed he couldn't care less. And now showing the GP is still a minor saving.
include the dumbing down of wild life and documentary programmes to make them more appealing to a wider audience, ...Turning BBC4 into a purely arts channel.

So wildlife programs are not popular because they are too intelligent, yet arts programs are popular enough to have their own channel.

Also was said, although its unlikely, that if a buyer cannot be found before the end of the season that there's a slim chance the last few races won't be shown at all...
As long as Bernie and co get the $$$ agreed he couldn't care less. And now showing the GP is still a minor saving.

:eek: Surely the teams won't allow Bernie to just sit there and take the cash when they would lose out immensely if that happened!?

Either way it's terrible news, i can't see how anyone will be able to have anywhere near the high level of coverage the BBC have produced :(
:eek: Surely the teams won't allow Bernie to just sit there and take the cash when they would lose out immensely if that happened!?

Either way it's terrible news, i can't see how anyone will be able to have anywhere near the high level of coverage the BBC have produced :(

Well its talksport so take with a pinch of salt :) but knowing the BBC ..
I don't think the BBC will be able to drop the coverage this year. They have a contract to the end of 2012 and Bernie has already said that he will sue if they try to drop out early. I imagine to costs of being sued would be comparable to just sticking the contract to the end.
I don't think the BBC will be able to drop the coverage this year. They have a contract to the end of 2012 and Bernie has already said that he will sue if they try to drop out early. I imagine to costs of being sued would be comparable to just sticking the contract to the end.

Surely if they find a buyer to take over Bernie will just be "Meh, okay then" though.
Really can't see BBC dropping F1 over all other complete utter **** they air....

The only 2 programs i turn my TV on for is F1 and Topgear. I love Topgear, but i would axe that to still have F1 on the BBC. Even though Topgear has a load more viewers.

Bernie = complete utter money grabbing dick
The pre race amble is awesome, sometimes it's more exciting to watch than the actual race!

Thats the problem though, isnt it? The final product doesnt match the hype. I really like F1 have done for years. Yet i can count on one hand how many full races i have sat through in the last few years. Turn it on for the start - then watch the last couple of laps.

Most people dont even get that fsr and thats with 2x high profile english drivers...

Give me a 45 minute higjlight show on the beeb for a fraction of the cost.
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