BBC possibly to drop F1 coverage...

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Bernie = complete utter money grabbing dick

Oh, for God's sake....

Bernard Charles Ecclestone is a businessman. He is in the business of making money. This does not make him Satan, like some of you seem to believe. What it does mean is that he does not generally act like a charitable foundation and let any old company broadcast F1 for peanuts.

By the same token, Bernie is not an idiot. He knows full well that for F1 teams to survive they need sponsors, and these sponsors need a wide audience for them to bother. And where do you get the widest potential audience?

Free-to-air TV channels.

Which broadcasters don't necessarily have the most money?

Free-to-air TV channels.

What does Bernie therefore do?

Forgoes the quick buck he could make now by selling F1 broadcast rights to a subscription or PPV channel in order to keep F1 free to watch on television.

Yes, there's self-interest there - he wants F1 to survive so he can keep making money. Yes, he's still probably charging the BBC and others quite a lot for the trouble. But F1 could have gone onto subscription or PPV channels many years back (you know, back when the show was good enough and the sponsors numerous enough to survive such a move), and didn't because of Bernie wanting to keep F1 on free-to-air TV.

Or, you know, whatever you want to believe. **** it. Bernie's the devil, F1's going on Channel Five any time they can find a break between Australian soaps and CSI, it's all doomed.

Free. To air rule, is exactly about making money. He earns less tv rights money but makes that up and more in sponsorship. Both him and the teams needed to support the sport.
I cant see BBC not showing F1 at all. They would be in for lots of contractual penalties. However that doesnt mean they have to fly loads of people out to the races and do live on site coverage; they could just do an audio dub over the F1 feed back in London.

If this does come to pass however it will be sad as the preamble is one of the big reasons i watch F1 at all. If it didnt have that i'd definately not watch every race or even the entire race. Sky+ FFWD tbh.
I cant see BBC not showing F1 at all. They would be in for lots of contractual penalties. However that doesnt mean they have to fly loads of people out to the races and do live on site coverage; they could just do an audio dub over the F1 feed back in London.

If this does come to pass however it will be sad as the preamble is one of the big reasons i watch F1 at all. If it didnt have that i'd definately not watch every race or even the entire race. Sky+ FFWD tbh.

I would prefer that to ITV, Channel 5 or god forbid Sky.
Oh, for God's sake....

Bernard Charles Ecclestone is a businessman. He is in the business of making money. This does not make him Satan, like some of you seem to believe. What it does mean is that he does not generally act like a charitable foundation and let any old company broadcast F1 for peanuts.

By the same token, Bernie is not an idiot. He knows full well that for F1 teams to survive they need sponsors, and these sponsors need a wide audience for them to bother. And where do you get the widest potential audience?

Free-to-air TV channels.

Which broadcasters don't necessarily have the most money?

Free-to-air TV channels.

What does Bernie therefore do?

Forgoes the quick buck he could make now by selling F1 broadcast rights to a subscription or PPV channel in order to keep F1 free to watch on television.

Yes, there's self-interest there - he wants F1 to survive so he can keep making money. Yes, he's still probably charging the BBC and others quite a lot for the trouble. But F1 could have gone onto subscription or PPV channels many years back (you know, back when the show was good enough and the sponsors numerous enough to survive such a move), and didn't because of Bernie wanting to keep F1 on free-to-air TV.

Or, you know, whatever you want to believe. **** it. Bernie's the devil, F1's going on Channel Five any time they can find a break between Australian soaps and CSI, it's all doomed.


Yeah, because £60Million per season is a bargain right?

Yeah, because £60Million per season is a bargain right?


Thanks for completely missing the point. I wouldn't mind, but you even quoted the whole post - did you just not read what I typed? I've never claimed that the BBC get a bargain from Bernie. In fact, I believe I said:

me said:
he does not generally act like a charitable foundation and let any old company broadcast F1 for peanuts.


me said:
Yes, he's still probably charging the BBC and others quite a lot for the trouble.

But of course, you know I said that as you actually read the post of mine that you quoted didn't you?

Eddie Jordan got on a plane to Dusseldorf from Nice at the gate next to mine the other day.
I probably should have hassled him and asked him about this, but I thought better of it and left him alone.
The only thing that has got me interested in F1 more is the way the BBC covers the F1 weekend. While the racing is important, it is the walking around the paddocks, the pit lanes, the way that the commentators gel together as a family that makes it what it is.
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