BBC Top Gear - Series 23 discussion thread

13 Mar 2007
South Yorkshire
Leblanc defiantly has potential in the role, just a shame they've paired him up with Evans and they have 0 chemistry together.

Wasn't a fan at all the little jabs at old Top Gear, it didn't need it and they should've gone their own way.
12 Mar 2008
West sussex
Yup IMO Chris Harris should've been main host. Leblancis OK I suppose but not perfect. I can't wait to see what the three come up with on Amazon. It's going to be better I'm sure.
10 Jul 2008
Gonna watch extra gear later on iplayer - assuming it is on there. I found it alright for Sunday night TV with the family as just something to watch. I found it generally well filmed and had enough content to keep me happy enough. Matt was actually pretty good. Yes, his parts are like he is reading from a script...but what if he does it well? He's a good actor and uses that to his advantage with this role. I found him generally ok. Chris....too shouty in a high pitch all the time on the live sections. You can see the relationship between him and Matt is forced and not a true liking...but then....maybe that's a good thing for rivalry and competition in the challenges. Dunno.
I'll probably still watch to be honest.

But yeah, it was a bit cringe worthy at times based on how much if it was just redone with new people. I guess we have "grown up" as it were with the old Top Gear and the whole style was made with 3 people. When you change those people it feels....wrong. It would be like losing David Attenborough's voice on nature programs or something equally major. Hard to get used to the change if someone came in and tried to speak in the same way.
20 May 2007
Why on earth isn't Harris on the main show?:confused:

Rory and Chris Evans bring nothing to the show. Sabine is ok I guess and Joey is just wtf:confused:

Awful TV.

To be honest Matt 's offroad bit was the only bit i half enjoyed. It was quite amusing actually, in places.

Trouble is he has quite a bit of wit,charisma and charm and is sort of naturally quite "cool". This makes Chris Evans seem like even more of an unfunny, loud and shouty **** than he already is.

Matt isnt perfect but given time he could be very good. You get the feeling he would have blended in with Clarkson May and Hammond quite well also.
13 May 2007
Haven't watched it yet but to summarise:

- Not enough deviation from the old format;
- Chris evans being well chris evans; and
- Matt le blanc surprising better than we expected and could grow into the role well

About sums it up? Sounds like if they drop harris in for evans then it could be a workable compromise. Sadly I doubt that will ever happen as he's probably tied into a stupidly lucrative deal that the bbc won't want to break.
10 Mar 2009
South West
Gordon Ramsay and Jesse Eisenberg... It's the obvious combination.

The guy can't talk naturally to the camera and uses his hands when he talks in a really unnatural way, like he has been told to be a bit more animated but gesticulates in the wrong places.

Still, got to be better than Evans.

I have no intention of watching this - to be honest I used to love Top Gear but was never quite the same after Hammonds accident; it became far more scripted which lost something for me. I'll watch the Amazon series for sure though.
7 Dec 2012
Thought LeBlanc was good, liked his film with the Ariel Nomad.

I like Evans usually, and thought he could have been a good choice, wasn't sure he was that great in the first episode. Hopefully he'll settle in.

The Reliant skit was ok, but wonder if we'll miss having a third person. Hope they get others involved for future trips.

Star in a Car was ok. Was always my least favourite part in the old show, so I'm fine with seeing an update to the format. Shame the car isn't crap any more, though.

Not sure Sabine will work as a third presenter. Maybe an occasional stig-like appearance, as with this episode.

Extra Gear was really quite good. Perhaps a little rushed, with such a short running time (fitting to a half hour slot with adverts, I guess), but liked RR's delivery, and the chemistry between the two presenters.

Overall, it was alright. Not great, but ok.
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
If you've ever watched the US remakes of UK shows where it is literally scene for scene exactly the same as the original but terrible that about sums up my feels on this.
16 Nov 2003
I'm going to give it a watch but to be honest I've never really like Evans as a presenter. He's a bit too shouty and annoying... So unless he's changed dover the years i might not enjoy it. Still, i'll try it.
18 Oct 2007
I won't be tuning in next week, it wasn't awful but it felt so forced.

LeBlanc wasn't that bad and when he settles in I think will get better,but I don't understand why the show needs a US presenter.

Chris Evans won't get any better, this is just the way he is.

It will take a few weeks for the viewing figures to settle, first episode was always getting to get okay viewing figures due to all the media attention.
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1 Nov 2005
I watched the extra one last night and it was good, there seemed to be a bit of awkwardness when they were taking the mick out of each other, it's probably nerves and possibly a lack of trust as they'll both be fighting to be come across as the best. The interview was awkward in parts, especially the end.

I think I'd prefer the film type format for the main show, and for the studio stuff, have that done by the extra lads instead.



Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England
I watched it on catch up & thought it just showed how much the writers/producers etc effect the show rather than the 3 presenters. To me it was exactly the same as the old show just with the different faces presenting it. I thought Matt Le Blanc did well for his first show but thought Chris Evans was annoying, I really don't like the way he shouts all the time & acts like a 12 year old, Yes it's good to see a presenter excited but he went to far in my opinion & just got annoying within the very first few minutes of the show.
I like the new track & car & think there'll be far more incidents to laugh over in the future using a Rally X style circuit. First 2 guests were a bit **** though but that as a section of the show will always depend on the Guest so no change there then.
I'm glad they still have Stig & the old Studio & keeping it all the same seems right now that it's obvious Clarkson/Hammond & May had such a little effect on the overall show.
To be honest I'm quite surprised how little I missed the original presenters but then I s'pose seeings the writers/producers & directors haven't changed it is only the faces that have changed not the show.

Sitting here thinking about it the makers of the show must be quietly pleased to finally show that Top Gear had very little to do with Clarkson/Hammond & May.
8 Mar 2007
Leblanc was as charismatic as cardboard

LeBlanc has as much charisma as a roadside bomb going off on the way to the supermarket.

boring Leblanc

Whereas James May was charismatic?

Seems like some people have set their sights on hating the show and will look at anything with a negative squint. When James May plays the monotone square it's seen as quirky and just his character in the show but when Leblanc does it he's boring and can't connect with an audience????

Then the same people that are criticising Matt for not being excited enough are slating Evans for being too excited. They can't win
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
If you've ever watched the US remakes of UK shows where it is literally scene for scene exactly the same as the original but terrible that about sums up my feels on this.

Quite a bit of it felt like I was watching the American version especially with the audience format.
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