Beat saber

OK tested Tracking today after doing the Factory reset last night and everything is much better now. And there must have been a problem with the initial install not the update. Because I couldn't do expert before this without "cheating" and would never see me actually getting any good at that level. But today I managed to do a few runs of expert on different maps and I could see the arrows better, my swings were sharper and more precise.

* by cheating, I mean I was just doing the bare minimum to try and get through the level, I made no attempt to play it properly.
Been working on trying to do lots of levels on expert. Some are far far harder than others. The fitbeat one is insane. Can't even come close.
anyone tried "Burning Sands" yet ?
if not, i dare you to play on Hard or expert straight off ;) :D

There's a sequence i assume near the end i just can't get my head around yet. Right hand is reasonably set into the rhythm but the left just hasn't got it yet.

Played probably 5 times now on expert. Will keep trying.
currently trying to install custom songs for the first time

and ive just read that with the latest multiplayer update, you can no longer side install songs ?
anyone confirm this ?
currently trying to install custom songs for the first time

and ive just read that with the latest multiplayer update, you can no longer side install songs ?
anyone confirm this ?

Yeah I couldn't get on multiplayer after installing BMBF. It's well worth it though as the custom maps are really good
think ive finally managed it, as when i launch the game, it keeps telling me to uninstall it as its modded etc

now i see there's a notice board on your left , says servers are down
so i guess i cant download songs right now :(
You can do it either way. Looks like the servers are down at the moment though.
When you start BMBF you are supposed to be able to connect to the headset from your PC to upload files (http://<your-headset-ip>:50000), but it only works half the time for me.
The other way is to use the one click install button from within the BMBF app itself on the headset.
Also make sure you start the game from BMBF, and ignore the warnings about unofficial apps
You can do it either way. Looks like the servers are down at the moment though.
When you start BMBF you are supposed to be able to connect to the headset from your PC to upload files (http://<your-headset-ip>:50000), but it only works half the time for me.
The other way is to use the one click install button from within the BMBF app itself on the headset.
Also make sure you start the game from BMBF, and ignore the warnings about unofficial apps

i cant see any other way of launching the game
if i hover over the game it says "unofficial app"
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