Been offered a job, not sure

18 Oct 2002
I've been offered a job which sounds like the job of a lifetime. The pay is awesome, its exactly what i want to do. IT and networking. and the whole expierence sounds amazing. Just one wee problem its in iraq.

Its in the green zone so its basically america but even still there is violence, i would get a military escort everywhere. But im just not sure.

would you?
Personally I think its something that you will never get the chance to do again, definately once in a lifetime chance, you can always call it a day if you dont like it :)
I'm sure I read somewhere about the pay supposed to be amazing and then you get taxed to hell and back, so you might want to check out that first before you make a decision.
Personally, I wouldn't go as I have a family to think about, but if I was single I would probably.
id find out all I could about the area I would be working in, focusing on the level of crime/violence and general safety. If I was happy that it wasn't TOO dangerous I would probably go for it.

Military escort to work every day. Cool. Bit of a tough decision really. Sounds like a nice opportunity but with a risk of getting your head sliced off live on the web. Not so nice :)
yeah its a very tough decision, its not definate yet but it will be in 2 months, so suppose will just have to monitor the situation. the contract is for 3 months.

don't think my family or the gf would be happy.

not bothered too much about the money, it just seems like the expiereance of a lifetime.
Isn't it something daft like they pay you at the end, so if you unfortunatly do die, they dont have to pay you - or something daft like that?
I think you have to take into consideration social side of things, you will want to have friends and woman etc, how many british will you be working with? and you cant just nip out to the local pub for a pint without being a target for every day guerillas
DanMc07 said:
I wouldnt personally, I dont fancy getting shot :p

It's a pity there is so many problems there at the moment... Iraq is a beautiful country with some outstanding buildings! I'd love to go, but for the forseeable future, it's obviously not an ideal holiday destination.

That said, if I was being paid hella loads of money, I'd definatly consider it.
go for it, sould like the chance of a lifetime. if thats not something to put on your CV what is! Also make it a clause that the have to supply you with a gun, you might get to kill some of them!!!! :D
Thats a tough one, although theres obviously a lot of media coverage about the people that were unfortunate enough to be kidnapped and killed, but I reckon there must be a great number of those that go, work and have no problems whatsoever. If I had that choice, I'd go for it, but then it depends on your responsibilities back home.
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