Beerwulf - cheap online beer shop (well, for Belgian beers at least)

I feel jealous now that i only ordered 1!

Maybe if i get an email with a £7.50 voucher for your purchase i'll order myself 2 more.

Mine should come today but i've decided to use it as a cheap beer advent calendar :)
nah deffo made account as it asked me for a password, and lets me log in haha
Ive not had a reply from support yet but Ive been advised 2 parcels are on the way :D
I got mine when i placed the order and it came up telling me to refer a friend so i copied/pasted the link as i planned to share it through here. Will have a look now to see if i can find it anywhere else.

Gonna have to block both your posts so i don't get spoilers about whats in the box!
I never got a popup with the voucher after ordering. When I go into my account on the left it has 'my referral codes' and it just says no codes available.

Mine have just arrived as well.

All but 2 were different. Which is pretty disappointing on the grand scheme, but one of the boxes is going to my Dad, so it's not much of an issue really. Only 2 have a best before of before Christmas Day as well which is good.

List and pictures in the spoiler.

  • Meantime IPA
  • Fullers London Pride
  • Bird Brewery Gijtlister
  • Robinsons Trooper
  • Paulaner Hefe Weißbier Dunkel
  • Gulpener Ur-Hop
  • Hoppebrau Weissbier
  • Hoppebrau Wurde Hehna
  • Brewdog Punk IPA
  • Troost Honing Blond
  • Überquell Lieblings Imperial Lager
  • Magic Rock Inhaler
  • La Parisienne Le Titi Parisien x 2
  • Buddels Witte Parel
  • Gulpener Korenwolf
  • De Prael IPA
  • Dochter Van De Korenaar Extase
  • Postel Dubbel
  • Page 24 IPA & Page 24 Robust Porter - the two different one. I'll have the IPA myself.


Mine arrived, very well packed too :)

Vicaris Quinto 5.00% BE 2
Budels Weizen 5% NL 2
Brand UP 5.50% NL 2
De Eeuwige Jeuhd Vuig Tuig 6.50% NL 2
rBrewage Affekonig 8.20% AU 2
Two Chefs Brewing Howling Wolf 8.00% NL 2
Page 24 IPA 4.90% FR 2
Gonzo Flying Dog 9.20% US 2
Rigue 4 Hops IPA 4.40% US 2
Buddels Witte Parel Bio 5.00% NL 2
Gu;pener Korenwolf 5.00% NL 2
Bird Brewery Dat is Andere Koekoek 5.60% NL 2
Ninkasi Blone 4.00% FR 2
Dr Prael IPA 6.50% NL 2
Walhalla Wuldor 9.80% NL 2
Dochter Van De Korenaar Extase 7.00% BE 2
La Pariseienne Rouisse 5.50% FR 2
Affligem Hop Selection 6.80% BE 2
La Parisesienne Blance. 5.50% FR 2
Bibble 4.20% UK 2
Hopenbrau Helles 4.90% DE 2
Ayinger Brauwiesse 5.10% BE 2
La Parisienne Blonde 5.50% FR 2
Postel Dubbel 7.00% BE 2
Page 24 Robust Porter 5.90% FR 2
Parlias Rose 3.80% BE 2

Is what the shipping labels say, but at a quick glance I can see bottlecaps being differnet but only 2/3
A decent selection of higher ABV Ales/Beers that I may not have even looked at iif not for this box so thanks for the heads up :)
Hopeing for some imperial stouts was a big ask haha :p
Well day 1 for me was Flying Dog Gonzo which is an imperial porter. Not far off from your hopes :p

Also just pulled out a 7% Belgian beer so from a section of 2 beers I have some strong stuff!
Code seems to apply itself automagically, although there are loads of things that are listed as in stock but are actually out of stock when you try to buy them.

First order with Beerwulf for a while, split this one 50/50 with my bro. I am getting 5 or 6 I've not had before :)


This is all that's left of my Belgian ales (largely Belgian anyway).


Probably going to raid M&S for some Delirium and St Feuillien's sooner or later as I have a gift card to spend there.
Kasteel Tripel is rather good. Just had a delivery myself (again) and picked mostly two easy drinking faves but also ordered a few new ones. Will update if I remember. :)
Kasteel tripel is deceptive as it's 11% but really doesn't taste like it!

I've tried a lot so I've got 5 or 6 I could easily drink all the time:

Westmalle dubbel
St Bernardus prior 8
Karmeliet triple
Kasteel triple
Delirium Tremens
La chouffe blonde D'ardenne

None of them are especially cheap though.

I emailed Mark at beerwulf earlier as the referral codes aren't working for me :(
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