What I was getting to in an earlier post and what you highlight here is that modern day Christians and Jews don't practise their religion (as they should be..?) but both are much more older than Islam and have come to their current, perhaps more generally liberal interpretations through centuries of war and suffering. Islam, in contrast, is 600 years younger than Christianity and has developed in a far different world than its predecessors (considering international politics, colonialism, the World Wars, the emergence of Wahabism and its impact on Muslim governance, politics and interpretations, the established of many Islamic terrorist groups in response to perceived or real Western aggression). These things do have an impact on a group's identity, attitudes and development and while Islam itself isn't and shouldn't be free from criticism just pointing to it and putting all of the blame on it isn't the right approach and is slightly deceptive.
I do think Islam will change for the better, but not today or tomorrow. I also think there's going to be a whole lot more bloodshed and atrocities, unfortunately, whether it's internally through Muslims fighting for some form of reformation or there's a forced change by others.