Being Sued by Atari/Davenport !

I know Piracy is wrong, I didnt actualy DL this file or distrabute it which is what im actualy being sued for, but i accept responsablity for it happening on my IP.

And im sorry if I enraged someone by suggesting that this thread was being derailed, but it was, is and has been over most of the pages in the thread.

Being Sued by Atari/Davenport is the topic, if you dont like the topic, fair enough but why derail it

Quite a few people have been caught out by this letter. I believe that this site will offer you a more straight forward answer as to what you should do after receiving the letter. :)

Quite a few people have been caught out by this letter. I believe that this site will offer you a more straight forward answer as to what you should do after receiving the letter. :)

lol got me there, and i get the point

I guess you guys only allow forum posts you deem.. proper or whatever

So none of you detractors have never ever run software you wernt ment too over the last 10 years..

You all follow the letter of the law with no exceptions

Aye right..
So if you didnt do it, and someone else did at your IP, get them to pay. Or better still, just tell them to FO.

The guy who showed me the wonders off Utorrent is gutted and in bits over this.

Im just looking for help and advice too get through this, but these forums are run by the Police them selfs it seems and no one has ever done anything wrong..
They haven't won a single UK court case where the defendant has shown up following one of those letters (and they mainly followed up with people who replied swearing blindly they didn't do it), they have won a couple by default through a couple of people who never showed up.

The general consensus is to ignore it, but if you find they are taking you to court do a lot of research and get a good lawyer to get you out of it!

Out of interest, where did you download it from + what game was it?

Oh and people in the UK are not solely responsible for what goes on on their internet connection, so don't accept responsibility for it.

There is a law in Germany where you ARE responsible, but German law is not applicable in the UK.

Hope this helps.

P.S: I don't accept responsibility for you getting screwed over if you go by anything I say!!
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Oh and by the way, was the letter actually addressed to you in the first place?

You didn't receive any letter did you? :D
They haven't won a single UK court case where the defendant has shown up

Out of interest, where did you download it from + what game was it?

It was a friend DL it ftp style from another friend in norway, we couldnt get good mps so we done it with Utorrent instead. It was when it was uploaded from utorrent they traced it. I am being sued for distrabution not theft.

race07HATRED was the file name
For the sake of £300 and piece of mind (think of all the other stuff you've downloaded) you should just pay it.

Or ignore it and potentially end up in court, as i'm sure the contents of these threads is read by the powers to be and your blatant ignorance to the law is here for everyone to read.
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