Would it have killed them to use the same scale for each graph and start the scale at 0 not at random points above it. Hugely varies how much one bar appears to be over the other if you're not focusing on the numbers.
Its a fine graph, its not fps, its showing the default speed of a 285/295 and the percentage increase or lag for the new card in each game, it can't start at 0% really, well its not worth it as the cards never less than 20% slower, it would never have 0% of the performance of a GTX.
the graph is very misleading.. quite a few games only show 20% increase or less over a GTX 285 for the 5850
they look like good cards from those results but not brilliant imo
5870 looks pretty good but with a graph so misleading how do you know those results are even reliable?
Ah, but you're forgetting cpu limitations, the card without a single game showing otherwise(from what I can see) is hugely fast when 4xaa is used, and huge gain when using 8xaa. What this says to me is obviously not that the card gets better fps with more AA, its just losing basically no performance at all under 4 or even 8xaa, while the other cards are getting hammered.
What you can draw from this is, with AA, the new ATi cards are without equal, they utterly destroy the current gen with current games at max settings with AA being used. lets be honest, who pays for a £150+ gpu and doesn't want to use higher levels of AA and keep performance.
But the one things these graphs don't show, is cpu limitations which may or may not be limiting the non AA results. Really you can only see CPU limitations by seeing multiple res/aa shots of the SAME game, so you can see for instance, lets say it gets 60fps at 1280x1024, 60fps, at 1680x1050, 60fps at 1920x1200, and 45fps at 2560x1600. You could see it was cpu limited up to that point, and only under a harder load(higher aa/af or higher res) does the gpu become the limit.
But obviously you can't round up so many games in a graph like that, you'd need a graph for every game, those ARE the ONLY way to show a massive number of games and it has its limitations. Will be interesting when we get the Anand and other reviews to see, are these cards just limited at high res and so have bags of spare power over the Nvidia cards so AA/AF doesn't phase them. The other option is they aren't cpu limited, offer similar or better performance with standard settings but have such monumentally good AA hardware onboard that they it just doesn't cost them any performance to turn it on, honestly, either way, they are still way faster with high IQ options turned on which is great for us. Just interesting to see which it is.
To be honest, my gut instinct would be that its simply massive cpu limited in most games without AA/AF and hell, it could even still be cpu limited with 8xAA