BennyC's Intermittent Fasting & HST Journal

Can't see the picture at work but saw it last night in the Bb pics thread. Lookslike you've packed on a fair bit of size :) Have you enjoyed it? I really like the low volume high frequency as I get to do everything, all the time!

Ta, on to my third cycle in my last week of 10's. Though I ran out of oats which was very FUUUUUU!:mad: I'm still training and sticking to IF but I am quite busy at work and in my spare time so it's not such a large focus of my day as it used to be.

Looks like you've made some very good progress too!
Cheers, I can't believe I never tried HST before it's just... ideal. Strength gains across the board, lower BF%, form has improved loads from the light 15s and, as you said, you get to do everything every workout.

I'm about to finish last week of 10s too, going to have to put the 5s on the backburner though as final year exams are approaching so training will have to happen as and when I get spare time.

I tell you though, lately I've only been having 1000-1500 calories a day which is 1000 less than usual. Usually I wouldn't be able to manage such a deficit but I think it's due to taking pysillium husks, they expand quite a lot inside you giving the feeling of fullness. Worth a try for anyone struggling to drop their cals on a cut.
I thin decreased meal frequency from I.F. as well as something to do with it too. Obviously energy levels are going to be affected when calories are low but for demolishing hunger pains and removing the feeling of wanting to eat all the time I.F. is brilliant. You feel so stuffed from a meal sitting that you're not tempted by snacks as you know how much you're going to have to eat in a few hours time.

I used to eat every hour and a half before I.F. whilst I was at work and i'd constantly be clock watching as it was such small portions.

Big portions, less often, job done :)
The results of my 1 month of IF are in - Started off at 89kg, switched to IF, 16 hour fasts. Didn't really change what I ate, if anything I probably ate slightly more meat and eggs. Anyway, today I was 85.5kg, so 7.7lbs off in a month.

Starting this tomorrow as i've read the Lean Gains website most of the day at work and it's rather impressive and appears to be very convenient.

2-3PM/3-4PM - Break Fast.
5-6PM/6-7PM - Training.
6-7PM/7-8PM - Post-Workout.
9-10PM/10-11PM - Final Meal.

Two sets of times there because sometimes i have to stay late after work.

EDIT: Just checked out HST, also going to test that out as well, but i'm not doing it the way they're saying, which is stick with the same weight for 2 weeks and then increase the weight and drop the reps, once i reach the max reps for a set, that weight will go up, and every month the sets will change for each exercise, so if one exercise is doing 2 sets on the first month, i'll drop it down to one and vice versa, should promote more muscle growth than the other way and i'll be doing it 3 times per week.
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Can confirm, still use HST and largely speaking still IF.

Work is more important than lifting currently. New job, longer commute and timing doesn't work quite so well so weekdays are a 5:30am start to get to the gym for 6. Being mid-30-something doesn't help the stronk.

I aim to lift three times a week with a mixture of what I enjoy and what I know is good for me in the long run.

Appreciate being exhumed...
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I hear you just use resistance bands these days...
Middle one soon come.
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I do an 8 on, 16 off eating window, going much lower like some sources suggest might be a little beyond me these days, e.g. 4/20.
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