BennyC's Intermittent Fasting & HST Journal

I found 15x100kg quite tough initially but got it sorted by the end. Doing 140x10 was rather foolish though! :D

Good luck with it matey - let me know how you get on with it! I have to say I got pretty good DOMs for a while.
Yeah, it feels wierd to say that's my 15RM as when drop setting I've beasted out 26 but it's different once the CNS is tricked!

Not had any DOMS yet though only half the volume while I work out RM's, though my calves get really really bad DOMS, to the point it's not funny and actually very painful/tender to even touch. Hopefully I should be able to cope :cool:
Looks good Benny.

For reference, my 5x5 changes to the following:

A Day

B Day
Seated Arnold Press.

I'll be interested to see how your 15s go while IF'ing. Keeping rests to a minimum makes the first couple of sessions brutal. Now I'm on my 10s I miss the volume though :(
Squat: 140KG
Press: 62.5KG
B.O.R: 100KG (medium grip)
Bench: 110KG - PB :)
Pull up: BW +15KG - PB :)
Laterals: None - considering some band work
Dips: BW +40KG - PB :)
DB Hammer Curl: 22.5KG
Standing Calf Raise: 130KG
BB Shrug: 130KG
EZ skull crusher: None.

Happy with that, 4 PB's in the last 2 sessions. Kick back for x-mas now and then crack on with the 15's.

My brother confirmed for me that I look leaner so IF is working. Half an inch off my waist so far but haven't jumped on the scales yet.
Good to hear its going well Benny. I think you'll enjoy HST, its really different to anything I've done but its been great so far. Keep up with the updates, it'll be initeresting to hear how it all progresses :)
Well today was very interesting indeed. First day of the 15's. I decided to train fasted and following advice from the LG website I had about 9-10grams of BCAA's 20 minutes prior to training. Did my squats at home and then headed round to the gym to finish off with the rest.

Whilst I found it very punishing with 60 seconds rest and absolutely hate lactate build up! I did enjoy the challenge and my heart rate was nicely elevated. With about 4/5 exercises left to go I began feeling very peculiar. By the time I got to 3 exercises left something wasn't right and I was more or less shaking quite badly. I called it quits as I didn't want to pass out under any weight.

Heading for the changing rooms I knew what was coming. A dry wretch and then into the disabled toilet (for the sink) to throw up my amino's twice and then a final tactical chunder needed a helping hand. I sat down to finish my puke sweats and proceeded to gobble down my PWO shake 2 scoops whey 2 scoops oats. I felt fine despite having just vommed. Got home, walked in, straight to the sink almost chundering over the lamb roast my mum's spent all morning preparing. I was also being sick out of my nose and over my hand and with the third heave my vomit was stone cold which was very odd.

A shower made me feel instantly better and a second attempt at the PWO has seen it stay confined to my stomach for several minutes :p

I think the recent change to IF, HST and then to train fasted was a little too much for my body. Though I think the large amount of BCAA's I dumped into it probably had a larger role to play.
lol wow

I think the most important piece of advice for the 15s is to not do your first session with anything hanging around in your stomach, although that seems like an extreme reaction. I don't think I could ever train fasted, maybe that was the biggest factor?
lol wow

I think the most important piece of advice for the 15s is to not do your first session with anything hanging around in your stomach, although that seems like an extreme reaction. I don't think I could ever train fasted, maybe that was the biggest factor?

Yeah, I deffinatley underesitamted the 15's. The first set is fine, but the second really is a test. I fell 2/3 reps short on my second of bench but you can't really do anything about lactate build up. Except rest pause but I didn't have a spotter. Not too fussed though as it's the progressive load that's more important than getting every rep.

I think it was just too much BCAA's, normally I let them disolve into the water but in this case they didn't, I usually use slightly warm water but opted for cold this time :rolleyes:

The shakes I can contribute to the fasted training but the vomitting was deffinatley the amino's as I could still see them in the first few voms.
Benny, that is the lols, almost beats my projectile vomiting in the showers at the gym

I'd popped once in the sink and then my mum started trying to wash some lamb and I was like 'MOOOOOOVE!!!!1!11one!!1' as I then sprayed out my nose and mouth all over my hand and shaker :p
10g of BCAA first thing in the morning is always one of the most mentally challenging things i've encountered :D I don't even want to think about taking it more than once if your using the late breakfast protocol!
10g of BCAA first thing in the morning is always one of the most mentally challenging things i've encountered :D I don't even want to think about taking it more than once if your using the late breakfast protocol!


Man up, it's not that bad!!
Todays 15's went much better. No 'Chunky Yawns' today :)

Mixed about 7/8 grams of BCAA's with warm water 20 minutes before starting at 11AM. I increased my rest time to 90 seconds and it was much better suited but still taxing. Having worked my RM's out in the afternoon having eaten, trying to do the 15's fasted with only 60's rest was a bit ambitious.

I did feel a little sick 3/4's of the way through but figured I was over hydrating and soon felt better.

Fell short a few reps on pullups and dips but got all my bench out today. Not too worried though.

Decided to ditch the tricep iso at the end in place of some core work. Press, Bench and Dips is enough for my tri's I've decided.
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How you finding the IF?

Love it :)

It's great not having to worry about meal timings. I just eat between 12 and 8PM. I'll shift the window depending on when the fast is started the previous day. For example if I finish eating at 7 then I'll break the fast at 11 the next day, or just break it at the normal time and have an extra hour fasting. I think I'll be sticking with this for quite a while.

Energy levels are good, I don't think I've actually felt tired since starting IF. I had dropped about 1 or 2lbs without changing my diet but then christmas came along :rolleyes:

I'd deffinatley recommend it.
Bit of an update:

Into the second week of 15's now. Feeling more accustomed to it however it's still quite exhuasting. Having to focus a lot more on breathing during each set to actually make it through it!

Tuesday & Thursday I've done a 40-55 minute brisk walk @ 10degrees incline 5/5.2km which see's around 450-600 calories (actually less as the treadmills over-read).

I tipped just under 90KG this morning (89.7) after having been just shy of 93KG or there abouts when I started just before x-mas. Due to the calorific nature of the 15's I decided to take advantage and try and drop a little fat which seems to be working. I have some comparisons shots which I will post up at the end of the HST cycle.

Looking foward to finishing the 15's and beginning the 10's and to start getting some proper weight moving.
Some good progress mate

Weight seems to be coming down nicely. Sounds like it's going to benefit your lifting in general even after you coming off this getting your breathing right

Any reason you're using the treadmill, I've always read and been led to believe that the treadmill is the worst of the CV equipment for calorie burning, instead something like the crosstrainer or a stepper should be used. But I don't know if maximum calories/fat burn is your goal right now or if you're just taking it steady

I wouldn't say it's the worst. The static bike ime burns the least calories. I could use the x-trainer and might well switch soon but for now I'm just taking it steady. Set it all up and then just walk. I don't have to worry about keeping pace/strides up. Just walk or fall off the back :p

Do like the x-trainer or rower when going for it though.

What's worse is that when people using the treadclimbers or treadmills on an incline, or ever a flat walk hold the ******* handles! It does my head in so much! removes all the effort, lowers your energy expendiature and thus lowers the amount of calories burned. Swing your damn arms!/rant.
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